Burglars in Ulfast

Questlogs using this decklist
Win - The City of Ulfast - 1 Player - 2021-10-12
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
The Turd Burglar + Caldara Explainer 53 41 2 1.0
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None yet.
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kattattack22 866

Slightly modified version of BardLee's Turd Burglar deck for City of Ulfast.

Change as follows:

  • Swapped Arwen hero for Eowyn because then I could have Arwen ally to boost Dain's defense for the City Guard's 9 attack.
  • Put in 2 Galadhrim's Greeting for Hasty Stroke. This was to hopefully help with avoiding the City Guard. Both were stuck near the bottom of the deck as I only saw one mined by Dain on turn 10 or 11. Hasty Stroke might be worth keeping for this quest. I took several extra attacks from the City Guard because of shadows.
  • Dropped one copy of Elrond's Counsel because didn't want to see early without a Noldor ally.
  • Swapped Bofur for another copy of Elfhelm. This deck has a lot of willpower and failing questing isn't likely to get him in cheap. Elfhelm wanted to see earlier to counter any threat raising.
  • Swapped Northern Trackers for Galadriel's Handmaidens x3 for more threat reduction and they're good efficient questing allies. Also I was playing true solo and trackers don't do as much unless it is a very location heavy quest.
  • Added a copy of Theodwyn as a good potential target for Caldara's ability or Stand and Fight.