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Card draw simulator |
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Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
doomguard 2191
this deck exploits the ability of the new fatty.
you select a guarded attachement as default attachemant from grey wanderer and discard the guarding card with his ability, so you get an guarded attachement from the start. in this version, it is the Necklace of Girion but you are free to choose any of that in the sideboard (playing battleheavy scenarios you might choose Sting or prefer more cards than resources Stone of Elostirion might be your choice.
so, 1. round you start with thread of 9 and a guarded attachement. with the contract you can ready him and give 2 res. so he starts with 4 res. in the planningphase.
playing advice:
- mulligan for a Love of Tales (in multiplayer your teammates enjoy getting the 2. and 3.)
- if needed play Inner Strength 1. round
- search for Fireside Song drinking song can help
- build up your boardstate with songs for questin and allies for attacking and carddraw
- if playing enough Master of the Forge and Gléowine Lórien's Wealth can be used on mates
- play Ithilien Lookout as long as you are in secrecy
- Loyal Hound are good for fighting, but can save you if a troll attacks fatty
- if playing solo, or your partners agree, include Deep Knowledge
- for location control, questing or fighting the Rhovanion Outrider are swiss knives. they are useful for nearly everything.
boons for multiplayer:
- no steward is needed
- no gandalf needed
- ring is not needed if somebody can defend well
Oct 06, 2021 |
Oct 07, 2021do not know if i understand you right, but the guarded card (enemy or location) will be cancelled by fattys ability (response: raise... to cancel.... the "guard" will be reveales by the encounterdeck, so he cancels the guard and the card is unguarded and can be attached to him) thats the trick ;) |
Oct 07, 2021Fatty's ability says non unique enemy card, so if the card that guards your Guarded card is a location, his ability won't be able to trigger. Sting would be the better choice than Necklace of Girion because it only allows enemies to guard it. |
Oct 07, 2021right, o.k then sting is the savest option. and i should put in some Explorer's Almanac then a guarded location can be explored soon, and or add some Celduin Traveler to make an enemy more probable. |
Oct 07, 2021Both good options for playing the Guarded cards during your planning phase, but not for one in setup I think - Celduin Traveler won't enter play until after, and Explorer's Almanac requires questing successfully with a 1 hero with an additional card in the staging area from the start, and without the free card to help boost. |
Oct 07, 2021yea you are right, Explorer's Almanac additional option, if either the necklace get location, or if playing after sting a 2. guarded (that then should be moreoften in the deck. the traveler is only for playing a guarded not as the grey wanderer deault. because the setup happens after mulligan, you can decide depending on your hand, what way you want to go. so, (if i do not want to have sting as default) i would alter the deck, get strider as default and would try to get the stone or neclace early out, (if necklace try to get an enemy and discard)otherwise try to get the location early with an almanach. ) the deck is not as good as i thought of, but has some flexibility to adjust and with concentrating on boosting willower, it should be possible to get the (2. if sting was deault) guarded by round 3-4, that is imo stil good. |
Oct 07, 2021Good call with being able to make that decision after Mulligan, that does provide quite a bit of flexibility around how you play it. You might consider Mariner's Compass as well, especially if you're including the traveller as well, as you have a couple of scouts in there. Will give you some additional options of clearing the locations as well. Yeah, it's definitely still good, getting any free Guarded card is huge in the early rounds. |
Oct 07, 2021if taking the compass in then Song of Kings make sense for default-attach. will make an updated version the next days that will include some changes. or, if you do,give link here |
Oct 11, 2021updated version |
Wouldn't you have to bank on getting an enemy to guard the attachment?