Questlogs using this decklist | |
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Eagles and Gondor |
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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TSING:Eagle Storm | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
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In Play
Discard Pile
Beorn 14166
A thematic Eagle deck that I built for Con of the Rings 2021.
- Commit Gwaihir to the quest (along with any other questing characters)
- Use Faunith to play an Eagle during the quest phase, gain a resource with Alagos, and ready Gwaihir
- Put damage on enemies in the staging area (Descendant of Thorondor is MVP)
- Send Eagles to your hand or other players during optimal action windows
- Profit
Sep 27, 2021 |
Sep 27, 2021replace Breath of Arda with Hidden Roosts ;) |
Sep 27, 2021I would suggest trying the deck first. Between Hidden Roosts (which is fantastic in this deck) and Gandalf, the deck actually has plenty of threat reduction. The high starting threat and ramp up time for Eagles makes this deck a bad fit for some quests, but that is more a function of the archetype in general than this specific deck. Eagle Emissary is actually clutch in this deck, because sometimes I really need to clear the active location or make one final quest push. That two extra willpower is useful for keeping you from getting stuck. |
Sep 27, 2021if you playing solo i understand, but for multi i think the emissary could be replaced better (and congames are mostly multiplayer, right?) and even in solo if you want peak-quest rounds, than a Grappling Hook would seem more effective and more flexible to use (you can use after staging, emissary not) what else thread reduction is there except gandalf and hidden roost? |
Sep 27, 2021Secret Vigil in the sideboard. I'll consider grappling hook, but in multiplayer I don't expect this to be the deck bringing the most willpower. The strengths of this deck are 1. Combat (with Sentinel and Ranged), 2. Staging Area Control (Descendant + Faunith + Tricks). Questing is a distant third. If this is the best questing deck at the table, we're probably in serious trouble. |
Sep 28, 2021
Sep 28, 2021I haven’t tested it yet against an Sands or Wilds quests. Some of the Sands quests require a burst of early game willpower, so this deck is probably not ideally suited for those. Any quest that gives this deck a round or two to setup should be fine. |
Sep 28, 2021Very nice, Alagos resource generation is quite subtle but powerful for getting the four cost eagles out. Maybe a copy of Beorn in the sideboard and a parachute so he doesn’t hit the deck too hard! |
Sep 28, 2021Fire on the Eastemnet is still not available on OCTGN, how to add it manually? |
Sep 28, 2021I'm not sure what the status of OCTGN maintenance is, but you can definitely play Fire on the Eastemnet on DragnCards. |
Sep 29, 2021Now THIS is a massacre of Eagles! |
Sep 29, 2021
Sep 30, 2021
Sep 30, 2021
this is the way a mono-eagle deck was intended to play. i suggest some more thread reduction (Favor of the Valar, Keen as Lances ) . yes you have Breath of Arda but you rarely let an expensive eagle go, so it is quite limited in thread reduction.
would skip Eagle Emissary. they are very inefficient, would put in threadreduction or max Wilyador he is meant to go and come with another copy (and you have 6 cheapest targets for Flight of the Eagles)