The Beauty, the Beast and the Bird

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Derived from
The Eagle Scouts 57 37 6 1.0
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Roka 1687

Widfast is a hero whose potential I'm only slowly discovering. First looking at her, I mainly saw the usefulnes of her second ability in high multiplayer games and her first ability to help the Gavin/Lanwyn deck to set up. But getting acces to any creature ally in the game from round 1 on gives a lot of interesting options. I have seen decks using Eagles of the Misty Mountains and Wild Stallion before, so why not try something different and use the good old Beorn/Landroval combo.

With Landroval having a cost of 5, we have to play Hirgon and quest succesfully to make use of Widfasts cost reduction and get Landroval out turn 1. This means that this is a multiplayer deck that best works with another deck that can quest aggresively, cause 4 willpower from your starting heroes and if you're lucky a Silvan Refugee probably aren't enough. A Good Harvest is here as an option to fall back on that allows you to play Landroval in the planning phase with Widfasts ressource.

In return, you can cover early defense for the whole table. A Beorn that can be revived can carry you quite far, even before adding in cards like Honour Guard, Beorn's Rage and Horn's Cry to lower enemies attack strength or cancel damage.

The rest of this deck is mostly just "Good Staff". We have a solid number of Tactics allies to use with Hirgon and some efficient Spirit questers. Card draw is a problem in those spheres cause we can't really use a Foe-hammer or Elven-light engine, so Ancient Mathom and Gandalf is all we have. The cancellation events are also in here, A Test of Will being a staple in any Spirit deck and Hasty Stroke being very important to keep Beorn around.

This deck is not for any quest, we are really relying on Beorn here and he prefers swarms of smaller enemies over big bosses. But against something like River Running that I playtested against, the only thing that's stronger than a bear, is a bear carried by an Eagle.


Sep 05, 2021 Seastan 45461

Very neat idea! If you really want to push for that solo viability with a successful turn 1 questing, you could include Bofur and/or Courage Awakened and/or Miruvor. Together with your Refugee and Good Harvest I think it virtually grantees either 6 willpower or 3 tactics resources.