
Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Threatbot 2 2 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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brametjuhh 25

brametjuhh has a newer deck inspired by this one: Threatbot

The premise of this deck is to fully commit yourself to supporting the other players in your fellowship (through healing and mostly threat reduction.

You do this by marginally contributing to the quest (Fatty Bolger and Merry when their effect does not matter, (MotK) Bilbo Baggins always) (occasionally boosted by Smoke Rings), and not even pretending you're playing during the combat phases. In return for this however, you gain a deck that can heal, revive, give card draw, and most importantly (during a good run), push everyone to 0 threat by the end of the game.

You start of by using the Hobbit Pipe or Spare Pipe (depending on the rest of your hand as (MotK) Bilbo Baggins Setup effect happens after drawing your initial hand) to get as many pipes as quickly as you can. Using your pipes you can aggresivly draw cards using Old Toby and Smoke Rings (which trigger your Hobbit Pipe, alternatively Hobbit-sense works for this too), using any Deep Knowledge, Drinking Song and sometimes even The White Council to aggresively and quickly draw through your deck. On most games you will manage to go through your entire deck ~2 to 3 times, hence why the deck runs 3 copies of Will of the West (and I would not recommend cutting any).

To be able to pay for this card draw you use mostly Good Meal and Reforged to make your many core 2-cost cards free, and you can early on use some Smoke and Think for this same purpose as well.

You will now you are properly setup when you have ~4+ pipes, your Magic Ring on Bilbo (so that using Thorongil and Bilbo Baggins he now gives you 2 resources of any color), and finally atleast 1 but preferably 2 Song of Eärendil so all end of turn and doomed threat from Deep Knowledge and Power of Orthanc can be sponged by you.

The main combo of the deck can then start running. This combo is to play as many The Galadhrim's Greeting on your allies (as your own threat can easily manage itself), using Smoke and Think and Good Meal (using Reforged) to reduce its costs as much as you can. Dwarven Tomb can be used to replay either The Galadhrim's Greeting itself, or Smoke and Think to cheat resources and gain even more uses out of your Galadrims. And whenever your deck is only card draw and cost reductors you can recycle using Will of the West (make sure to keep atleast 1 threat reductor or card draw in hand when playing it, to immediatly redraw into your reshuffled card draw, so you can cycle your deck again). When this deck gets going it easily plays 10-20 cards in a turn, the trick is to make smart use of the flexibility of Dwarven Tomb and The White Council to give yourself and your allies what you need.

Finally some extra good mentions are the additional support cards. Warden of Healing is a great healer for its cost, Power of Orthanc and The Houses of Healing are one offs, as they are seldom needed (but can save a quest when they are), and as you cycle through your deck multiple times in an average game finding it them is not going to be an issue.


Sep 03, 2021 Truck 1457

Very cool deck!

I do suggest at least 1x Fast Hitch, it is very useful for Merry.

Sep 03, 2021 brametjuhh 25

@Truck Thank you!

I was considering running it but eventually excluded it as Merry's response cannot trigger Hobbit Pipe and your own threat can reach 0 relatively easy, causing me to frequently just use him for questing and not missing his ability too much. I tend to mostly use his ability for those later turns where questing is already covered by the other decks in the fellowships, where it is a nice bonus.

If i were to re-add it I'd probably consider cutting the 3rd Will of the West as 2 are usually enough, or maybe 1 The White Council as it gives nice flexibility but is often not required. If you know a quest involves no conditions (that you care about) Power of Orthanc tends to often be a dead card so that might also work. (Theoretically the same goes for The Houses of Healing, but that one has saved me more often that not when shadow cards go wrong.)

Sep 03, 2021 kjeld 676

I love these Hobbit threat-soaking decks, and this is a cool event-heavy variant.

Did you consider Out of the Wild? That's one of the most powerful support cards in the game in my experience. Also surprised not to see 3x A Test of Will and some Hasty Strokes as just universally good support cards for any fellowship.

What's the purpose of Thorongil and Magic Ring? You could sack either for Resourceful, which would also lessen your reliance on Good Meal, thereby perhaps freeing up some deck space for other support cards. This is also likely one of the rare decks that can make use of Leaf Brooch!

Sep 10, 2021 brametjuhh 25

@kjeld Yeah, this is currently my favorite deck to play!

Out of the Wild seems like it would be a nice fit, especially since it removes itself from the deck. I mostly didn't include any other cards that had to be reshuffled but i did kind of forget about that one. However my main issue with that one and also Resourceful and Leaf Brooch (and the main reason I run Magic Ring instead of them), is that during the early turns you tend to not be in secrecy range yet, and those are the turns you most want the resources.

Generally how this deck works is that turn 1 and 2 while still getting set up you spam your Deep Knowledge for carddraw together with the Song of Eärendil to sponge threat away from your allies, causing you to sometimes hit threats of up to 40 before getting your engine going and building it all down again. Ususally by the time you are in secrecy range again your engine is so set that the 1 resource at that point matters a lot less than the ones from ring in earlier turns.

However, having said that, I see some issues with Leaf Brooch for those middle turns but Resourceful might actually still be better than ring because in turn 1 you can still play it before leaving secrecy range (as you do start with 15 threat giving you some time before your threat sponging starts ruins this, and as long as you get it out early enough the Resourceful will still keep working during your threat dip. So I think I'm going to swap these after all, thanks for making me reconsider them!

Btw, the purpose of Thorongil is so that with Bilbo becoming both Lore and Spirit, any resource gains like Magic Ring of Resourceful on him can be used for all of your cards, and it allows you to always play your 2-cost events at the start of a new turn (as you will have 1 lore, 1 spirit and 1 variable resource). So it really improves your resource spread. An argument could be made to run Song of Wisdom instead, but personally I find paying the extra 2 resources for 1 card/turn worth it as an alternative.

Sep 10, 2021 brametjuhh 25

@kjeld Oh and the reason the deck does not run Hasty Stroke is because my specific fellowship runs a deck that sponges all enemies and ignores their shadow cards altogether, so we don't really deal with those anyhow. A Test of Will kind of has the same, both other decks of the fellowship run 3 copies of it already, and we have an Eleanor so thats already covered as well. I would definetly recommend running it depending on your fellowship though.