Progression Peril In Pelargir Combo

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Progression Peril In Pelargir Combo 0 0 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

DunYoss 55

DunYoss has a newer deck inspired by this one: Progression Peril In Pelargir Combo


This assumes playing Progression style, including incremental FAQ updates based on set release date and FAQ publication date. This would mean the deck is valid for only the three Heirs of Numenor quests, because Master of Lore was changed with the release of The Steward's Fear. Though in reality, the design team screwed up and nerfed the wrong card. They should have changed Horn of Gondor (either: one trigger per phase limit, or "Response: when one or more characters leave play, exhaust this card and put that many resources into attached hero's resource pool.") and Legacy of Durin (exhaust upon use).

Note that combos like this are "insta-win" once achieved, so if that doesn't sound fun to you then don't use them. Personally, I enjoy the challenge of designing the combo and then finding a way to survive the encounter until the combo is set up.


Stage One Combo Setup

It's pretty unlikely that you'll get all six combo pieces in the opening hand. Besides the combo, the deck is dedicated towards putting the pieces together as quickly as possible. Beravor, Gléowine, Master of the Forge, Imladris Stargazer all help find pieces you need. Zigil Miner needs a Imladris Stargazer companion, but then gives money acceleration and helps bypass irrelevant cards. Vilya similarly wants a Imladris Stargazer and then gives card and money acceleration.

Draw Whole Deck

Make Money

Now with deck in hand, need to add:

Play for money:


  • Play payoff card(s)
  • Play Will of the West
  • Use "Draw Whole Deck" combo from above
  • Repeat

Any ally with Born Aloft gives extra uses of that ally's enters-play, activation, and/or leaves-play abilities. This also works on partner's allies if partner uses Sneak Attack (remember that you can only play allies and attachments like Born Aloft during your turn in the Planning phase, and your partners cannot play allies or attachments during that time). Gléowine + Born Aloft draws cards for partner. Miner of the Iron Hills + Born Aloft removes negative Conditions. Third copy of Will of the West recycles partner's discard. Partner's Sneak Attack + partner's Gandalf + your Born Aloft removes partner's threat then kills enemies. Elrond's Counsel removes threat and gives Willpower. A Test of Will cancel "when reveal" effect. Hasty Stroke cancel shadow effect. Shadow of the Past then Risk Some Light manage encounter deck. Partner's Feint ensures enemies can't attack.