Tripline Bling

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TalesftCards 7405

This is a multiplayer traps deck designed to marshal resources and draw cards to keep the party going as long as it can. Leadership Denethor helps to resolve one of the weaknesses of trap decks, which is that they can sometimes be expensive. Together with Damrod's discount, you should be able to get a fast start. Don't forget that Denethor can pass a resourced to Damrod, which provides perfect resource smoothing for the deck when it needs it.

Use Fresh Tracks and Anborn to manage enemy engagement, while Expecting Mischief throws down some extra damage. Second Breakfast and Erebor Hammersmith help to recycle traps, making up for the exclusion of Lore Anborn. Since this is a multiplayer focused deck, I've excluded Steward of Gondor and replaced it with Ranger Provisions. I'm taking this bad boy to Gen Con 2016 so I'll report back from there!


Jul 29, 2016 emorlecallor 1284

I would almost argue that using Denethor as a hero is almost as severe of an offense as using Steward if you're playing multiplayer. He's in so many of my decks nowadays, I can't even begin to comprehend how often I use him. :D

Thank you for spotlighting my deck on your blog! It's great to think that lesser noticed decks on RingsDB are getting some love, between you and Beorn and CotR. I think I tried to get you a message through on your contact form but I'm not sure if it worked.

I really like the deck. I am sure to try this out because I am a total sucker for a trap deck and this looks awesome. I hope it works out for you at GenCon!

Jul 29, 2016 Some Sort 4007

You know... if you throw in a Sword-thain, you can toss it on Anborn and then give him the Wingfoot, and then you can trigger his ability off of every enemy that gets revealed...

I'm sorry, I have a jank problem.

Jul 29, 2016 TalesftCards 7405

@emorlecallorHaha, fair enough! I do imagine that I'll see quite a few people playing Leadership Denethor at Gen Con. And no worries about the spotlight, you definitely create some interesting decks and I hope they keep getting attention!

@Some SortI think it's time for an intervention my friend. Now we're not judging you. Let's stay away from accusing statements. Let's just use "I feel" statements. "When you use janky combos, I feel..."

Dec 14, 2016 pokie 86

How did it go at GenCon?