Single Core Series: The Dunland Trap

Questlogs using this decklist
The Dunland Trap - 1 Player - 2021-07-20
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Single Core Series: The Dunland Trap 0 0 0 1.0
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TheChad 14131

This is the deck I used to defeat The Dunland Trap in my Single Core Set progression series. This deck has a very high win rate against this quest.

The Dunland Trap is a quest that can be a huge roadblock in a progression. The quest's trap is a nasty one and it takes some planning and deckbuilding to endure it.

In my video I lay out the step by step plan this deck has to counter the trap. You can see some of it with the build itself: No attachments that would get discarded, very cheap allies, very strong heroes. Beorn is key in this quest, his 5 is enough to destroy a majority of the Dunland enemies. Glorfindel and Prince Imrahil should be ready each combat phase if you chump to also help kill enemies.

The real trick to beating this quest is knowing when you are going to advance to stage 2. When you remove the 2nd time counter from stage 1 and you think you will advance in 2 rounds DO NOT SPEND ANY RESOURCES. Do not play a card. Look at your boardstate, determine you can advance in 2 rounds, and save everything. That way, after the trap was sprung, you will have a full hand of cards and a lot of resources. You should be able to rebuild on the next turn and then eventually win. Good luck!

Here is a link to my video:


Jun 21, 2022 psykro 1

Hello, I must admit this is the first time i enjoyed doing this quest :). After 20 games commiting to a trap deck i built without luck, i decided to try something completely different. I nearly won, and i would if i did not draw that nasty treachery condition. I drew it right after entering phase 3 so with the 5 time counters... Why there is nothing to counter this treachery in the deck like a good old Test of Will, or a condition removal ? I really think this is is the only weak point of this deck. I had a LOT of resources so maybe remove SoG for test of will ? Still many thanks for this deck, this is finally an enjoyable quest (although i found it easy until that treachery)

Sep 25, 2023 snotrabjorn 1

Came here to post the same comment as psykro already did :) I also drew "In need of rest" and that basically an auto loss if drawn before stage 3.

Sep 25, 2023 MJG31 11

Deck below has a similar concept to this one. More ability to deal with conditions (Miner of the Iron Hills) but less combat power to start. I think you can avoid "In need of rest" if you scry and see it is the next card and comit no heros to the quest that round as it says to attach to an exhausted hero.

Sep 25, 2023 MJG31 11

Sorry, "In Need of Rest" says to "Remove a hero from the quest and attach In Need of Rest to that hero." I would think if no hero is committed then there is no one for the card to target and it can be discarded.

Sep 25, 2023 snotrabjorn 1

Yeah, the problem is that most ways I could think off to handle it are in lore (scrying, healing) which is not accessible. The deck you linked is basically completely different deck just with similar basic idea. I would probably just add 3 copies of Power of Orthanc and hope to draw one of them at the right time - you do have 3-4 turns to discard the condition.