A Very Good Army

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Inspiration for
A Very Good Army 2 2 0 2.0
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arcanx 53

arcanx has a newer deck inspired by this one: A Very Good Army

The idea of ​​this deck is to put as many allies into play as possible using cards like A Very Good Tale and Timely Aid, Tome of Atanatar will help to reuse these effects. Combos with Sneak Attack+ Gandalf + A Very Good Tale are very strong for deck strategy, Prince Imrahil also helps with combos and activations.

Always try to mulligan for Steward of Gondor or A Very Good Tale and some allies to activate.Denethor, Envoy of Pelargir, Pelargir Ship Captain and Soldier of Dol Amroth, to double the moves and correct the sources of Resources and Citadel Custodian creates extra and costly bodies to activate its A Very Good Tale.

Soldier of Gondor,Soldier of Dol Amroth and Envoy of Pelargir work great with Prince Imrahil activating their effects every time they come into play.


Jun 12, 2021 serpico 264

Great job!! A lot of ally can help the effect of good tale

Jun 14, 2021 _EricTheCleric 98

Interesting deck. I like the use of Prince Imrahil's ability, though I don't think he would combine with Soldier of Dol Amroth. You can only trigger PI's ability in the combat phase, and SoDA only reduces the cost of "playing" allies, which can only be done in the planning phase. Or I'm missing something!

Jun 14, 2021 Truck 1472

@_EricTheCleric, Soldier of Dol Amroth reads "the next card you play this phase", it's not limited to Allies.

Jun 14, 2021 arcanx 53

You're right friend, the prince's skill really can only be used in the combat phase, so it's not possible to use the reduction for allies, only for events, my bad. But his skill reduces the next card and not just allies, so even in the combat phase you can do an event for a reduced cost.

Jun 14, 2021 arcanx 53

@serpico thx man!

Jun 16, 2021 Flrbb 170

To bad, that there is no event in here. xD

Anyhow, isn't Timely Aid a bad trade-off? You won't be in secrecy, so you have to pay 4 resources for that card. Only Faramir, Gandalf, Knight of the White Tower are a good deal. If you can catch one of these you reduced your effective deck size by 1 card. Well, and you had the opportunity to chose which ally you bring into play...

Jun 16, 2021 arcanx 53

@Flrbb Feint can be good event to use, since deck doesn't interact with events much...in the group I play other players play with deck of lore and spirit, so that's not a problem XD.

Timely Aid allows you to select an ally for any situation, even though it's actually a bad trade-off, so I only use 2x (and for flavor XD). but it can be replaced without problems.

Jun 17, 2021 Flrbb 170

Let me elaborate my point. I know that there are events within this game, worth playing in the combat phase (or in the regular planing phase). But this deck uses only events. So there is no target for Soldier of Dol Amroth. Which makes him only a sub par choice in this deck. Expecially, when other allies fitting into this deck concept are not in the deck yet.

Jun 17, 2021 arcanx 53

@Flrbb I understand and respect your opinion, but there are uses for it other than in the combat phase, for example in the main phase, making a Soldier of Dol Amroth and another drop 2 for 3 , or a Knight of Minas Tirith for 4 , especially in this deck that has little resource generation and every decrease counts, so for me it's worth the effort.

Jun 17, 2021 arcanx 53

Errata: this deck that has little resource generation XD

Jun 17, 2021 Flrbb 170

I ignored that you can reduce the costs for a next ally, too. My Bad.