21 HP Gimli

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3jhi0U 14

Get Nenya in first hand. Citadel plates are also a priority. Use any of the search for cards cards to find them. Use Merry to ready Gimli after an attack. He will kill someone. 99% of the time. Use self Preservation and other cards for emergency healing.


May 16, 2021 jvader 135

you need the The One Ring to use self preservation

May 16, 2021 jvader 135

oops thinking of this card Well Preserved not self preservation

May 17, 2021 serpico 264

21 hp!!!!

May 17, 2021 Truck 1472

And 23 attack!!!!

May 17, 2021 Truck 1472

Sorry, minus one for the 1 hp that he has to have to maintain his life, 22 attack.

May 17, 2021 Jtothemac 477

Bah. Toss your 13 allies, throw in some draw effects and make it a three hunters deck.

May 17, 2021 Truck 1472

I agree with @Jtothemac, though I don't think this deck should be "bah"d at. @Jtothemac, how many hit points do you have? I have four, and unless you are some Balrog-level enemy or a Dragon, or a Nazgul, I doubt you have over six hit points. I'd back away...

May 17, 2021 Jtothemac 477

I meant it more jokingly, for all I know he was purposefully avoiding the three hunters. I suppose we lose a bit of the translation over text...

I suppose I would be an Eastern Crow. More an annoyance than a threat.

May 17, 2021 3jhi0U 14

I am avoiding the three hunters but you can use it if you want. Throw in a Tireless Toughbred or 2 for ranged and sentinel. Maybe something for Merry and 3 Foe-Hammers

May 17, 2021 nelloianiro 1056

If it is gonna be 3 hunters switch Galadriel for someone else with a bunch of WP

May 17, 2021 AutumnRose 1509

Get Ring of Barahir and some artifacts like Palantir, Ring of Thror, Thror's Key, The Arkenstone, Magic Ring, etc, and you can get his HP even higher!

May 17, 2021 3jhi0U 14

Yes but he already can kill pretty much anything in a few turns.