A Perilous Discard Deck

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Derived from
A Perilous Discard Deck 2 0 2 1.0
Inspiration for
A Perilous Discard Deck 2 1 6 3.0
Card draw simulator
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Discard Pile

FailedStalker 21

FailedStalker has a newer deck inspired by this one: A Perilous Discard Deck

First deck; looking to do a Graveyard/discard theme. Perilous Voyage seemed like a good fit with the amount of cards I will be drawing and discarding.

Update 2.0: I have skimmed out some thing just to have more utility. I figure since I will be going through and drawing/discarding so much, it makes sense to limit some things. I also decided to skim out some more green cards as I figure it will be hard to cast them with one one green resource. Added some more 0/1 cost cards to make sure I can utilize the card drawing as well.

Side note: Favor of the Valar and A Perilous Voyage no not work together as I found out, so I took it out of this deck. If anyone else was wondering about that, then there ya go :)


May 13, 2021 Truck 1457

Looks good! Also, how many times have you tried stalking people? And how bad did you fail?

May 13, 2021 FailedStalker 21

I'll probably have a third revision (already haha) soon to add a little bit more utility. Hopefully will get to try out the deck soon, but thanks!

Well, you weren't supposed to know I exist, so... I guess that's another failure on the list.

May 13, 2021 Flrbb 170

I don't know how much you discard with Dain Ironfoot, but in my experience from Cirdan, Arwen and Erestor plus Galdor of the Heavens draw effect (which results in 5 drawn cards per round and one from Galdor plus any optional card draw from elven-light), two will of the wests are enough. And I run two copies just when the first one pops up too early. With 100 cards 3 are kind of an overkill. I'd add a 3rd copy of To the Sea instead.

A burning Brand and Warden of Healing, Explorers Almanac, Eregon Survivour are cards I would consider. Also Magic Ring and Narya are options.

If you often play multi player and want to circumvent I'd also add a 3rd copy of Northern Tracker and 3x Rhovanion Outrider.

Personally, I do like to stall early on and that for I'd add some side quests. Gather Information is my favorite here. If you decide to add it, add Rhovanion Outrider, too.

As Galion has more uses in an ally-bouncing deck or in a deck with the Fellowship contract I'd remove it.

May 13, 2021 FailedStalker 21

@Flrbb That makes sense on the Will of the Wests; definitely will drop that down to two. To The Sea to three sounds good to me (semi-intentional rhyming on that).

I will have to look into the other cards you mentioned and see what I want to shuffle around. And yea, might remove Galion. The main reasons I put it in there is to really utilize the draws per round to put a bunch of stuff out. It would work pretty well with Spare Cloak and Hood, but too bad it isn't a Noldar character to To the Sea. There are probably some better things though.

I was potentially looking at also adding A Test of Will, Ancient Mathom, and Light of Valinor. But we will see.

I might do some play testing on this, but I almost want to take Cirdan and replace him with Arwen instead, just to see how it goes. I wanna try Dain for now, and if it goes poorly, probably replace Dain for Arwen instead.

Thanks for the feed back!

May 14, 2021 nelloianiro 1050

@FailedStalker you can make the same deck 5 times for all I care. ;) www.ringsdb.com

May 15, 2021 FailedStalker 21

@nelloianiro Haha, I actually have the 3rd revision ready technically. But didn't wanna spam the site tooo much... maybe the water has settled enough to post it. Though, I found out we don't have a lot of the cards, but we might be able to try it online sometime and slowly get the actual cards over time. Probably will need to make another deck with the cards we actually have.