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Everything* Costs 2 | 158 | 130 | 16 | 1.0 |
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Card draw simulator |
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In Play
Discard Pile
GreenWizard 323
So I was looking at some of the decks on the Hot Topics page and I came across Seastan's everything costs 2 deck. And I was like what a great idea. I should make my own. But lately I've been experimenting with the A Perilous Voyage contract, and was like, how cool would it be to do an everything costs 2 deck with 100 cards, not just 50. So I built this deck last night.
You really want to mulligan for the Zigil Miner's to help with resources, but card draw like King Under the Mountain helps dig for cards you want. The only exception to the 2 cost is the Wizard Pipe. But there's only one copy in the deck, and three copies of Bilbo Baggins who can search for the pipe. If you want everything to be 2 cost, switch it out for another card, and have a support deck grab the pipe for you.
Also, I have a relatively small card pool, so feel free to modify some of the weaker points in the deck (such as Hunter of Lamedon, or Halfling Bounder out for cards that actually have abilities that will work).
This deck has beat the entire Hobbit Saga, and the whole Dwarrowdelf cycle, except SaF.
This deck might be better off as a multiplayer deck, just throw in Errand-rider's so they can transfer all the resources from the Zigil Miner over.
If you have suggestions keep in mind my card pool, which can be found on my profile.
I also want to thank Seastan for the brilliant original idea, the credit goes to him.
Apr 27, 2021 |
Apr 27, 2021I suppose I could add For Gondor! instead. Extra combat help never hurts. |
Apr 27, 2021
Apr 27, 2021
Apr 28, 2021i'm struggling to understand the inclusion of Bifur, without Narvi's Belt or some songs his ability is really not that useful, and you could use a hero for those attachments. If you want to keep the dwarf thing going, maybe Balin or you could give up on King Under the Mountain and the dwarf hero and pick another low threat hero (Frodo Baggins is great with Elrond/Gandalf, Denethor lets you play Steward of Gondor/Vilya/Gandalf's Staff round 1 while still developing, Théodred generates resource on Elrond/Gandalf depending on needs) |
Apr 28, 2021Gildor Inglorion would be a good choice, too. |
Apr 28, 2021
Apr 28, 2021
Apr 28, 2021From the sets he has available, low-threat options would be Théodred, Balin, or Sam Gamgee. Of these, I think Theodred's resource-acceleration is the most useful to this lineup. |
Apr 29, 2021Very interesting! The Vilya angle seems a bit strange as you will only ever be putting out 2-cost cards with it. Was there some other reasoning here? Another lineup to consider for this archetype would be Denethor/Arwen Undómiel/Elrond. With this lineup, you could afford a full-powered Heed the Dream to find your Zigil Miner, play it with Arwen and her extra resource, trigger it for 2 more resources, and then play another ally from hand. Not a bad turn 1! |
Apr 29, 2021
Cut Eregion Survivor, you will probably have at least 3 cards in your hand throughout the entire game, maybe replace with more copies of Gléowine, and more copies of Arwen Undómiel. That's really it, I'd suggest a lot of cards, but those cards are non-two cost :)