Puzzle - Beating Passage Through Mirkwood Round 1

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Mormegil 6367

I have really been enjoying that people have been publishing puzzles for specific scenarios, so I thought I would give it a crack of my own. The original idea for these puzzles was created by Seastan (I think), so all credit for the idea goes to him.

The goal with this puzzle is beating Passage through Mirkwood round 1. The following conditions apply:

  1. Your entire deck is in your hand and each hero starts with infinite resources. Your deck and your discard pile are empty. Your collection includes every official hero in the game except Eowyn.

  2. The encounter deck and discard pile is empty, the only exceptions are 1 copy each of Forest Spider and Old Forest Road (which will be added to the staging area during setup).

  3. If you advance to 3B, always advance to Beorn's Path.

  4. You lose automatically at the end of the first Refresh Phase.

  5. EDIT: Because of rulings I weren't aware of, you can consider the hero that enters play with Helms of Secrecy to be ready and Late Adventurer being part of your opening hand. If you went down that specific road and those were the reasons you missed to win, I am incredibly sorry. (Spoilery explanation:"pheerag dhrfg" ersref bayl gb gur pheerag dhrfg pneq sbe gur rssrpg bs Genvarq sbe Jne. V gubhtug gung pheerag dhrfg zrnag jungrire vf gur pheerag dhrfg pneq qhevat gung cunfr.).

Good luck finding a way to beat the scenario, be sure to share it enscripted via rot13! Enjoy the challenge!

Since the only way to victory I came across is quite complicated (although other solutions have been found by now), here are a few enscripted tips for my personal solution, you can use any number of them of course. I tried to rank them by usefulness, so 1. will give you not nearly as much hints as 10.

Xrrc va zvaq gung Uryz bs Frperpl erzbirf lbhe erfbheprf. (Jvgu zl fbyhgvba), lbh arrq gb cynl nebhaq gung uvaqrenapr.

  1. (Jvgu zl fbyhgvba), 1 Uryz bs Frperpl naq 3 Eniraf bs gur Zbhagnva ner rabhtu gb rafher ivpgbel.
  2. (Jvgu zl fbyhgvba), gur Sberfg Fcvqre arrqf gb or xvyyrq gjvpr.
  3. (Jvgu zl fbyhgvba), bayl bar bs gubfr xvyyf fubhyq or znqr ol Yrtbynf.
  4. (Jvgu zl fbyhgvba), lbh jvyy qrsrng nyy guerr dhrfg fgntrf qhevat gur dhrfg cunfr.
  5. (Jvgu zl fbyhgvba), lbh jvyy arrq gb onggyr-dhrfg ng fbzr fgntr.
  6. (Jvgu zl fbyhgvba), lbh hfr Gubebatvy ba Yrtbynf.
  7. (Jvgu zl fbyhgvba), Aneiv'f Oryg arrqf gb trg lbh gur Yrnqrefuvc erfbhepr vpba.
  8. (Jvgu zl fbyhgvba), Cevapr Vzenuvy be Sbypb Obssva ner lbhe gnetrg sbe Yngr Nqiraghere.
  9. (Jvgu zl fbyhgvba), lbh arrq gb ernql gur Reenaq-Evqre jvgu Gb Nezf.
  10. (Jvgu zl fbyhgvba), lbh dhrfg abeznyyl guebhtu fgntr 3o juvyr lbh cynpr cebterff guebhtu bgure zrnaf gb pbzcyrgr 1o naq 2o.

Apr 20, 2021 Mormegil 6367

Added challenge: svaq n jnl gb jva jurer lbh vtaber gur ehyr gung gur rapbhagre qvfpneq cvyr trgf erfuhssyrq jura gur rapbhagre qrpx vf rzcgl qhevat gur dhrfg cunfr

Apr 20, 2021 Truck 1472

The no Éowyn thing includes both right? And no ALeP?

Apr 20, 2021 Truck 1472

This should be obvious, sorry

Apr 20, 2021 Mormegil 6367

Yes and yes. Although I have not found an easier way to win with Eowyn, I just excluded her because I thought that the idea of using her would really waste peoples time :).

Apr 20, 2021 Truck 1472

Ok thanks. I'll try to figure this out...

Apr 20, 2021 GreenWizard 323

I'm working on it too.

Apr 20, 2021 Mormegil 6367

Any progress? Any more hints being needed? It is quite complicated after all ...

Apr 20, 2021 GreenWizard 323

So the no cards left in the encounter deck or discard pile thing means we reveal no cards, right? The only encounter cards in the challenge are the road and the spider?

Apr 20, 2021 Mormegil 6367

@GreenWizard Yes. The only two encounter cards in the deck are these two (that get revealed during setup). The rest of the staging area, as well as the encounter discard pile is empty.

Apr 20, 2021 GreenWizard 323

Gotcha. Thanks. Nice puzzle! I like when they are challenging. It's easy to get to stage 3, but I can't get farther than that.

Apr 20, 2021 GreenWizard 323

Still trying, though...

Apr 21, 2021 jban 1025

One possible way of doing stuff:

Cynaavat: Nggnpu Gubebatvy, Ryira Fcrne, Oynqr bs tbaqbyva 2k, Tbyqra Oryg & Yvtug bs Inyvabe gb Yrtbynf Cynl Cevapr Vzenuvy naq Tnyvba. Cynl Unaqf hcba gur obj naq chg 4 cebterff. Qvfpneq Aneiv'f oryg va gur cebprff Cynl Uryz bs Frperpl naq ercynpr Gnpgvpf Yrtbynf ol Fcvevg Yrtbynf. (Fb Gnpgvpf Yrtbynf orpbzrf Gubebatvy'q) Cynl Whfgvpr Funyy or Qbar Cynl Jvyy bs gur Jrfg

Dhrfg: Erfuhssyr gur rapbhagre qrpx, fvapr vg'f rzcgl (fb abj gur qrpx pbagnvaf bayl gur Fcvqre) Qvfpneq Tnynquevz Zvafgeryy sbe Ryira Fcrne Cynl Fgnaq naq Svtug naq ergevrir gur Tnynquevz Zvafgeryy. Gevttre gur zvafgeryy naq ergevrir Unaqf hcba gur obj. Pbzzvg Nyy gb gur dhrfg sbe 10 JC (Tvzyv 3, Zreel 2, Yrtbynf 1, Vzenuvy 2, Tnyvba 1, Zvafgeryy 1) naq ernql Tvzyv. Cynl Eniraf bs gur Zbhagnva sbe rkunhfgvat Tvzyv. Chg 2 cebterff ba gur Dhrfg. Erirny gur Fcvqre. Cynl Unaqf hcba gur obj naq chg 2 cebterff ba 1O naq 2 cebterff ba 2O. (nqinapvat gb fgntr 3O) Erfuhssyr gur rapbhagre qrpx, fvapr vg'f rzcgl (fb abj gur qrpx pbagnvaf bayl gur Fcvqre) Jva gur dhrfg ol 9.

Erserfu: Gevttre Aneiv'f Oryg sbe Yber. Cynl nabgure pbcl sbe Eniraf bs gur zbhagnvaf sbe 2 zber cebterff. Jva gur gur dhrfg jvgu 11

Apr 21, 2021 Mormegil 6367

Well done, that is one way of doing it given however ... tvira gur jnl lbh hfr Uryz bs Frperpl (juvpu vf n ehyrf-zrff) qbrf abg oernx nal ehyrf. Nf bs abj, V unir abg frra na vaqvpngvba gung vg qbrf fb snve tnzr.

There is also definitely another solution so if anyone wants to keep riddling for an additional challenge: svavfu gur dhrfg va gur dhrfg cunfr bs gur svefg ebhaq.

Apr 21, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

Hi @The Mormegil

Pna jr nffhzr gb unir pbzcyrgr pbageby bire gur beqre bs gur pneqf va cynl (yrg'f fnl pneqf V unir qvfpneqrq naq gura fuhssyrq onpx va gur qrpx jvgu Jvyy bs gur Jrfg)?

Apr 21, 2021 Mormegil 6367

@Alonewolf87 No, Will of the West should be treated like normal (=> no control). The same goes for the encounter deck, the only exceptions to rules needed (as far as I am aware of) are specified in the deck description (e.g. Helm of Secrecy). There is a solution that works without having to rely on randomness. Good luck to you ;)

Apr 21, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

Back to the drawing board then, too bad I had gone quite far with that one.

Apr 21, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

@The Mormegil Qbrf gur fbyhgvba cerfhzrf gung vs V cynl Uryz bs Frperpl ba na rkunhfgrq ureb gur fjvgpurq-va ureb jvyy or ernql? Jnf gurer n ehyvat va gung frafr?

Apr 21, 2021 Mormegil 6367

@Alonewolf87 The ruling (per mail by Caleb) is that the incoming hero has the same state as the previous one. I was unaware of the mail and assumed the incoming hero would be ready (since I thought any card enters play ready unless otherwise specified, that does not seem to be the case for the terminology swapped however).

Because my solution uses Helm of Secrecy "The wrong way", you are also allowed to ready the swapped hero after it enters play with Helm of Secrecy.

Apr 21, 2021 Mormegil 6367

That is why I singled out the card in my deck description :)

Apr 21, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

Also why do you make reference to Late Adventurer when that card is not in the deck?Is it a "if you only miss this card consider it to be part of your deck for your solution"?

Apr 21, 2021 Mormegil 6367

Another quite specific ruling that defines the "current quest" as the current quest stage for player card purposes. So if you advance to another quest stage, a lasting effect targeting the current quest will no apply anymore even if you still have a current quest (that ruling is in normal cases mostly irrelevant, so I misremembered it).

Late Adventurer is then needed for a very small interaction at the end of my way to victory, Apologies for these two mistakes on my part and the potential confusion they create! Also good luck with your riddling!

Apr 22, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

I think I may have found the Late Adventurer solution

Cynaavat Cunfr: cynl obgu Oynqrf bs Tbaqbyva, Tbyqra Oryg naq Gveryrff Gubebhtuoerq ba Tvzyv, cynl Gubebatvy naq Ryira Fcrne ba Yrtbynf, cynl Cevapr Vzenuvy, cynl Unaqf hcba gur Obj naq Xunmnq-Xunmnq gb xvyy Sberfg Fcvqre jvgu Tvzyv (2 cebterff ba Fgntr 1O), cynl Uryz bs Frperpl gb fjvgpu Tvzyv jvgu YbSnenzve (qvfpneq Gveryrff Gubebhtuoerq), cynl Gur Raq Pbzrf (gur bayl pneq va gur rapbhagrer qrpx vf abj Sberfg Fcvqre), cynl Jvyy bs gur Jrfg (5 pneqf va zl qrpx abj), qvfpneq Zvafgery gb Ryira Fcrne, cynl Fgnaq naq Svtug gb chg Zvafgery va cynl (nqq Unaqf hcba gur Obj gb zl unaq), cynl Whfgvpr Funyy or Qbar (qenj nal bs gur 4 pneqf erznvavat, yrg'f fnl Uryz bs Frperpl vf yrsg nf ynfg bar, nqq 3 erfbheprf gb Snenzve'f cbby), cynl 2 pbcvrf bs Enira bs gur Zbhagnvaf rkunhfgvat Snenzve naq Zreel (6 cebterff gbgny ba Fgntr 2O)

Dhrfg Cunfr: fraq Yrtbynf naq Vzenuvy gb gur dhrfg (qvfpneq nal pneq gb ernql Snenzve), cynl 3eq pbcl bs Eniraf bs gur Zbhagnvaf rkunhfgvat Snenzve (8 cebterff ba Fgntr 1O, nqinapr gb Fgntr 2O), fgntvat fgrc erirny Byq Sberfg Fcvqre, qvfpneq nal 3 pneqf gb Ryira Fcrne naq cynl Unaqf Hcba gur Obj ntnva jvgu Yrtbynf (2 cebterff ba Fgntr 2O nqinapr gb Fgntr 3O) cynl Sbr-Unzzre qenjvat gur ynfg pneq va zl qrpx, yrg'f fnl vg jnf Uryz bs Frperpl), cynl Uryz bs Frperpl ntnva fjvgpuvat YbSnenzve sbe GnTvzyv, cynl Genvarq sbe Jne, cynl Yngr Nqiraghere pbzzvggvat GnTvzyv gb gur dhrfg, cynl Xunmnq-Xunmnq ntnva dhrfgvat sbe 13 (3+3 Yrtbynf + 2+3 Tvzyv + 2 Vzenuvy) ntnvafg 1 (12 cebterff ba Fgntr 3O jvaavat gur tnzr)

Apr 22, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

In case it's relevant I have not used any of your hints

Apr 22, 2021 Mormegil 6367

@Alonewolf87 Well done! A very impressive and well-thought solution, it even uses a couple of interactions I did not use for mine! I don't know if you are interested in further puzzling so if you are, there is another solution that

hfrf uryz bs frperpl bayl bapr naq fgvyy svavfurq jvguva gur dhrfgvat cunfr.

Can you find it? Good luck, you can consider the puzzle beat either way of course :).

Apr 22, 2021 jban 1025

Another attempt in which I use Helm of Secrecy by the rules. So Exhausted remains exhausted. One Ruling doubt, but outside of that it seems solid.

Cynaavat: Tvzyv: Nggnpu Gubebatvy, Aneiv'f oryg Yrtbynf: Nggnpu Oynqr bs Tbaqbyva (2k), Ryira Fcrne, Oynqr bs Tbaqbyva Gevttre Aneiv'f oryg sbe Fcvevg Cynl Tnyvba, naq Cevapr Vzenuvy Cynl Reenaq Evqre naq nggnpu Naprfgeny Nezbhe. Cynl Unaqf hcba gur Obj naq cynpr 4 cebterff. (Qvfpneq Jryy Rdhvccrq) Cynl Uryz bs Frperpl (ercynpr Tvzyv ol Ovshe) Cynl Gur Raq Pbzrf Gevttre Aneiv'f oryg Sbe Fcvevg Hfr Reenaq Evqre naq Ovshe'f novyvgl Cynl Eniraf bs bs gur Zbhagnva sbe Zreel (cynpr 2 cebterff) Cynl Jvyy bs gur Jrfg Cynl Whfgvpr funyy or qbar (qenj 3 pneqf bhg bs lbhe 5 pneq qrpx naq nqq 3 erfbheprf gb Ovshe) Cynl Eniraf bs gur Zbhagnva sbe Ovshe (cynpr 2 cebterff) Nqinapr gb fgntr 2O

Dhrfg: Cynl Jnvg Ab Ybatre Pbzzvg Cevapr Vzenuvy naq Tnyvba gb gur dhrfg (jva gur dhrfg ol 2, nqinapr gb fgntr 3O)

Pbzong: Gnxr gur nggnpx haqrsraqrq, cynpr 3 qnzntr ba Yrtbynf

Erserfu: Hfr Reenaq Evqre naq tvir Ovshe uvf 3gu erfbhepr Hfr Dhvpx Fgevxr gb xvyy gur fcvqre (qvfpneq nal 2 naq nqq 4 cebterff ol Yrtbynf) naq qenj lbhe erznvavat qrpx jvgu Sbr-Unzzre. Cynl Uryz bs Frperpl gb Ercynpr Yrtbynf Ol Bev Bev qvrf. Cynl Gur Raq Pbzrf. Cynl Eniraf bs gur Zbhagnva sbe Zreel (cynpr 2 cebterff) Cynl Eniraf bs gur Zbhagnva sbe Ovshe (cynpr 2 cebterff) Cynl Eniraf bs gur Zbhagnva sbe Cevapr vzenuvy(cynpr 2 cebterff)

Apr 23, 2021 Mormegil 6367

Very well done! Congratulations!

Apr 23, 2021 jban 1025

This one finishes in the quest phase

Cynaavat: Yrtbynf: Nggnpu Oynqr bs Tbaqbyva (2k), Ryira Fcrne, Oynqr bs Tbaqbyva, Rys-Sevraq, Gubebatvy, Yvtug bs Inyvabe, Tbyqra Oryg Cynl Unaqf hcba gur Obj naq cynpr 4 cebterff. (Qvfpneq Aneiv'f Oryg) Cynl Tnyvba, naq Cevapr Vzenuvy Cynl Uryz bs Frperpl (ercynpr Yrtbynf ol Ynajla) Cynl Whfgvpr funyy or qbar Cynl Jvyy bs gur Jrfg Qvfpneq Tnynquevz Zvafgryy sbe Ryira Fcrne Cynl Fgnaq naq Svtug naq Ergevrir gur Zvafgeryy Frnepu lbhe qrpx naq pbyyrpg Uryz bs Frperpl Cynl Jryy-Rdhvccrq, nggnpu Aneiv'f Oryg gb Tvzyv.

Dhrfg: Cynl Jnvg Ab Ybatre Cynl Dhvpxfgevxr naq qvfpneq 2. (cynpr 2 be 4 cebterff qrcraqvat ba jura lbh fjvgpu) Cynl Uryz bs Frperpl (ercynpr Ynajla ol Yrtbynf) Pbzzvg Yrtbynf, Tvzyv naq Vzenuvy (jvgu 9 nggnpx inyhr), Ernql Tvzyv Gevttre Eniraf bs gur zbhagnvaf sbe rnpu bs lbhe urebrf. (Cynpr 6 cebterff) Lbh ner ng fgntr 3O abj jvgu 2 (be 4 cebterff) ba 3O. Cynl Xunmâq! Xunmâq! naq qvfpneq n pneq sbe gur Fcrne (gbgny nggnpx inyhr: 13) Cynl Genvarq sbe Jne. Cynpr 12 cebterff nsgre dhrfgvat fhpprfshyyl.

Pbatenghyngvbaf lbh jba gur dhrfg jvgu 16 cebterff ba gur svany fgntr.

Apr 23, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

@The MormegilI have a sneaking suspicion no one has found "your" solution still, am I right?

Apr 23, 2021 Mormegil 6367

@Alonewolf87 That is correct, although every other solution presented to me was really interesting, both you and @jban have comfortably beaten the puzzle at this point!

My solution (for anyone that wants to keep on guessing) uses Helm once and finishes in the quest phase. I will post it once people have either guessed it or have given up on it, however I know for a fact that jban is still puzzling away so I will hold off from posting it right know.

If you are interested in hearing it than just tell me over ringsdb or discord and I will send it to you privately :).

Apr 24, 2021 jban 1025

My final solution: One that uses readying of HoS, finishes in the Quest phase and only uses HoS once

Cynaavat: Tvzyv: Nggnpu Oynqr bs Tbaqbyva, Oynqr bs Tbaqbyva Yrtbynf: Nggnpu Gubebatvy, Ryira Fcrne, Yvtug bs Inyvabe Qvfpneq Aneiv'f Oryg sbe gur Fcrne naq cynl Xunmnq! Xunmnq! Cynl Jvyy bs gur jrfg. Cynl Jryy rdhvccrq. Hfr Aneiv'f oryg sbe Yrnqrefuvc. Cynl Reenaq Evqre & Nggnpu Naprfgeny nezbhe. Cynl Fba bs Neabe naq hfr gur novyvgl. Cynl Uvguynva, Tnyvba naq cynpr gur cebterff. Cynl Vfynaq Nzvq Crevyf naq ercynl Tnyvba sbe 1 cebterff. Cynl Dhvpx Fgevxr gb xvyy gur fcvqre. (Cynpr 2 cebterff ba 1O) Cynl Uryz bs Frperpl (Ercynpr Tvzyv ol Sbypb) Cynl Whfgvpr funyy or qbar, hfr reenaq evqre sbe 1 rkgen erfbhepr ba Sbypb. Cynl Gb Nezf! gb ernql gur Reenaq evqre naq hfr reenaq evqre ntnva sbe n gbgny bs 5 erfbheprf ba Sbypb. CYnl Nfsnybgu ba Yrtbynf.

Dhrfg: CYnl Eniraf bs gur zbhagnva sbe Sbypb naq Zreel (CYnpr 4 rkgen cebterff ba 1o, 6 gbgny). Qvfpneq 3 pneqf sbe Ryira Fcrne. Pbzzvg Yrtbynf naq Fba bs Neabe gb gur dhrfg sbe 8 (Onggyr jvy or nqqrq yngre ba). Ernql Sbypb ol Fcvevg Yrtbynf'f novyvgl. Hfr Eniraf bs gur zbhagnva sbe Sbypb. CYnpr 2 rkgen cebterff ba 1o naq nqinapr gb fgntr 2O. Qvfpneq Sbypb. Erirny gur fcvqre, cynl unaqf hcba gur obj gb xvyy gur fcvqre. Cynpr 2 Cebterff ba 2O naq nqinapr gb fgntr 3o. Cynl Genvarq sbe Jne. Erghea Sbypb ol Sbeghar be Sngr naq hfr Yngr nqiraghere gb pbzzvg uvz gb gur dhrfg (gb nqq gb n gbgny bs 10) [Nyg: Trg Vzenuvy] Hfr Nfsnybgu gb Pyrne gur ybpngvba. Jva gur dhrfg ol 10

Apr 24, 2021 Mormegil 6367

Perfect! That is basically the solution I had in mind :)