Side Quest: Reunification of the Numenorian Kingdoms

Questlogs using this decklist
Win - Fire in the Night - 1 Player - 2021-04-18
Loss The City of Ulfast - 3 Player - 2021-04-23
Loss The City of Ulfast - 3 Player - 2021-04-23
Loss - Fire in the Night - 1 Player - 2021-04-17
Win - Across the Ettenmoors - 2 Players - 2022-03-22
Win - ALeP - The Aldburg Plot - 3 Players - 2022-02-20
Win - The Land of Sorrow - 2 Players - 2024-01-02
Loss - Intruders in Chetwood - 3 Player - 2024-01-06
Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
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kattattack22 866

I built this deck for Fire in the Night. Basically it's a Dunedain and Gondor swarm deck. The main thing is to mulligan for Gondorian Shield. Once Beregond has it combined with a Warden or Honour Guard then defending Hrorgar's Hill each turn is a possible. Vigilant Dunadan once a side quest is done can handle most of the other enemies.

East Road Ranger is another great card to see early on for questing. Then if the first encounter side quest isn't a must complete like Douse the Flames, Fortify the Defenses, or Defend the Town try to get The Storm Comes finished. Then pumping allies becomes much easier with the contract discount.

Early game, you can use Ingold's ability to raise your threat when playing an ally to draw a card. The contract can make it work with the Dunedain. I would switch to using resources at about 35 or 36 threat. By then you should find a Steward for him.

The contract also can help the Soldier of Gondor to pull Dunedain allies along with Gondor ones. Using it to give Ingold a Steed of the North works as well especially with a second Gondorian Shield for another defense option.

If possible save a Legacy Blade for Thalion. He often becomes a hero and will always ready for combat. He and Thurindir with Legacy Blades can get high enough attack to damage Dagnir even if Rally the Woodmen is out.

First Attempt had

  • Angbor x2
  • Faramir x2
  • Keep Watch x1
  • No Honour Guards

Open the Armory was under consideration. I drew most of my deck in the first attempt but didn't get a Gondorion Shield.


Apr 19, 2021 Truck 1457

Maybe add that Keep Watch that is in the sideboard, for giving Thalion a resource icon while he is hero-ing.

Apr 19, 2021 kattattack22 866

@Truck Keep Watch was in the deck in my first attempt. I did complete it on turn 6 and Thalion did end up a hero with the Tactics icon. He didn't really need the Tactics icon since I had The Storm Comes completed earlier on turn 4. Keep Watch helped the Vigilant DĂșnadans defend the weaker orc enemies, but it couldn't help with Beregond defending against Dagnir. I opted for the Honour Guards instead because they could help either with Beregond defending against Dagnir or Vigilant DĂșnadans against the other enemies.

I did find the Soldiers of Gondor to be fairly marginal in the deck. I thought using The Last Alliance in valour to refill my hand mid to late game would be good. It was fine and they made for good chump blockers, but one of them could easily be swapped out for Keep Watch.