Questlogs using this decklist | |
None. |
Fellowships using this decklist | |
None. |
Derived from | ||||
Win Condition 1: Play Shadows Give Way | 13 | 2 | 53 | 1.0 |
Inspiration for | ||||
Win Condition Continued 2: Kill Bombur | 5 | 1 | 10 | 1.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
Truck 1472
Okay, so I'm looking at the Hot Topics page on RingsDB, and I see Seatsan's Win Condition decks. I'm like "Great idea, too bad I wasn't playing this game at the time these decks were made." Then, I realize that quite a few people who are (currently) very active on the site (i.e. Uruk-guy, askelad, doomguard, Alonewolf87, GreenWizard ect.), did not have users on RingsDB when the first Win Condition deck was published, five years ago (The last win Win Condition was published three years ago, but, the last two weren't nearly as popular as the first few), and did not get to enjoy their glorious puzzlefullness.
So I am restarting Win Condition, if Seatsan doesn't object. Seastan, if you don't like that I'm copying you, simply comment and I'll edit this deck to make it named "Bad bad deck" and make the description blank.
So now for the Win Condition, use rot13 to encrypt your answer:
You are playing Passage through Mirkwood, aka Easiest Quest Ever. All treacheries are removed from the encounter deck.
You want to clear stage one, Flies and Spiders by the end of round one.
You are free to rig your deck, starting hand, and the encounter deck throughout the game (or round, you might say.) But, as normal, Old Forest Road and Forest Spider start off in the staging area.
Good luck? Or do I want you to fail, because if everyone fails I have created a puzzle to hard for solving.
Apr 11, 2021 |
Apr 11, 2021I'm more than happy if you want to keep the tradition going Truck. I am only worried about having two "Win Condition 1" decks being confusing for new people. Perhaps call your series something like "Win Condition Continued 1" or something?
Sha chmmyr! Nal ernfba jul lbh'ir tvira hf npprff gb zber jvyycbjre guna jr arrq? |
Apr 11, 2021
nf sbe gur rkgen jvyycbjre, V'z n zvyqyl vtabenag crefba, zl onq. |
Apr 12, 2021its possible to make the whole adventure in the 1. turn: vg vf cbffvoyr gb fbyir gur jubyr nqiragher va ghea 1: urebrf: yrtbynf(g), gubeva, tybva fgnegvatunaq + 1. pneq: 2 farnpxnggnpx, tnaqnys, qhevaf fbat, penz, qharqnva znex, unaqf ba gur obj qharqnva znex ba yrtbynf, penz ba gubeva Dhrfgcunfr: farnpx-tnaqnys xvyyf gur fcvqre naq tb ba nqiragher gubeva naq tybva tb fgntvat: qby thyqhe bexf nccrne, qb 2 qzt gb tybva. tybva cynlf qhevaf fbat ba gubeva jvyybjre: 4 tnaqnys, 2 tybva, 5 gubeva (3 frys +2 fbat) =11 guernq: ebnq 1, bexf 2 = 3 8 cebterff, nqiragherpneq, svavfurq cynl unaqf ba gur obj ba yrtbynf, ur xvyyf gur bex, znxrf 2 cebterff, arkg nqragherpneq svavfurq "qbag yrnir gur cngu" erirnyrq. hatubyvngu frnepurq geniry gb gur ebnq, ernql yrtbynf ratntr hatbuyvng ernql gubeva jvgu penz pbzong: cynl farnpx nggnpx-tnaqnys (jvgu tybvaf erffbhefr sebz qnzntr sebz bexf) tnaqnys znxr 4 qnzntr ng gur oebbq gura ur qrsraqf ntnvafg gur oebbq yrtbynf naq gubeva nggnpxf gur oebbq naq xvyy vg (4 yrtbynf +5 gubeva fbat raqherf gb gur raq bs ebhaq) jva :) |
Apr 12, 2021
Apr 12, 2021Chg Vbergu naq Tnyvba va lbhe fgnegvat Unaq nybat jvgu Gur Serr Crbcyrf. Gur gbc pneq bs gur Rapbhagre qrpx fubhyq or Byq Sberfg Ebnq. Cynl gur yvfgrq pneqf. Guvf jvyy tvir lbh gjryir jvyycbjre naq nyy ernqvrq punenpgref. Lbh jvyy or hc ntnvafg sbhe guerng naq 8 cebterff erdhverq ba gur svefg fgntr. Lbh pna xvyy gur fcvqre gbb jvgu Tybesvaqry naq Vqenra. Qrargube be Tnyvba ner lbhe orfg pubvprf sbe qrsraqref. |
Apr 12, 2021
Apr 12, 2021
Apr 12, 2021I've actually never seen those, and i love it! great way to exchange puzzle, and also train your "seastan sense" to find exploitability cynl cngusvaqre svaqvat byq sberfg ebnq, cynl tnyvba naq rzrel (qvfpneqvat 3 bs gur fcvevg nyyvrf), dhrfg jvgu rirelbar, cynl gur serr crbcyr, erirny uhzzreubea. Jr dhrfg sbe 17 naq gurer vf 5 va fgntvat, jr pyrne fgntr 1 v gubhtu jr pbhyq hfr fbat bs onggyr naq fgenvtug fubg nf jryy nf unaqf hcba gur obj gb erzbir gur fcvqre naq uhzzreubea orsber erfbyivat dhrfgvat ohg vthrff gubfr jrer erq ureevatf |
Apr 12, 2021
Apr 12, 2021`@Truck my solution is 1 player, did u read it? |
Apr 12, 2021
Apr 12, 2021
Apr 12, 2021Fun challenge. Here's my answer. Cynl Tnyvba, Vbergu, Qharqnva cngusvaqre. Svaq byq sberfg ebnq. Dhrfg jvgu rirelbar 1+3+2+1+2+0=9 cynl serr crbcyrf. Qbhoyr vg gb 18. Erirny uhzzreubeaf. 18-5=13. Nqinapr dhrfg fgntr. |
Apr 12, 2021Gur pneqf gb qenj ner: Gur Serr Crbcyrf Rzrel Tnyvba Qharqnva Cngusvaqre Vbergu Cynl nyyvrf, gnxr bhg Byq Sberfg Ebnq jvgu Cngusvaqre, cynl G.S.C, dhrfg 17 nyy bhg, gura lbh pna qenj nal rapbhagre pneq rkprcg sbe gur Fcnja. |
Apr 12, 2021
Apr 12, 2021
Both correct! |
Apr 13, 2021
Apr 13, 2021
Apr 13, 2021
Apr 13, 2021lol |
Apr 13, 2021Hee hee my mistake ;) |
Apr 13, 2021Seems familiar. :) |
Very cool idea, I tried my hand on a few of those when I discovered them, but I am all too happy to try a few new ones.
Zl nafjre ernyyl uvatrf ba gur qrsvavgvba bs "Lbh ner serr gb evt lbhe qrpx, fgnegvat unaq, naq gur rapbhagre qrpx guebhtubhg gur tnzr (be ebhaq, lbh zvtug fnl.)."
Naljnl gur vqrn jbhyq or gb unir va zl fgnegvat unaq Gur Serr Crbcyr, Vbergu, Tnyvba naq Qharqnva Cngusvaqre. V cynl nyy bs gubfr nyyvrf (trggvat n 2aq pbcl bs Byq Sberfg Ebnq jvgu Qharqnva Cngusvaqre). Fraq nyy gur punenpgref gb gur dhrfg naq gura cynl Gur Serr Crbcyr, dhrfgvat sbe 15 Jvyycbjre. Vs V pna znavchyngr gur rapbhagre qrpx fb gung gur erirnyrq pneq vf abg Hatbyvnag'f Fcnja gura ab znggre jung pbzrf bs vg V jvyy fgvyy chg ng yrnfg 8 cebterff (1+2+1+3 znkvzhz = 7 Guerng)