Ancient Arnor Alliance

Questlogs using this decklist
Win - The Withered Heath - 1 Player - 2021-04-10
Win* - Roam Across Rhovanion - 1 Player - 2021-04-10
Win - Peril in Pelargir - Nightmare - 1 Player - 2021-04-11
Loss - Foundations of Stone - Nightmare - 4 Players - 2021-04-23
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kattattack22 866

This explores some Dunedain and Hobbit syngeries with The Last Alliance contract.

Some fun things you can do with the contract in this deck. Note many of these require you to exhaust the contract so a card's text says Dunedain or Hobbit:

  • Get Amarthiul's defense up to 9 (+2 Hobbit Cloak with a higher engagement cost enemy, +2 Ancestral Armor, and +2 Rosie)
  • Fast Hitch on Amarthiul for combat or Beravor for reliable card draw
  • Raise the Shire to put Sarn Ford Sentry into play and draw cards from engaged enemies
  • Use Raise the Shire and Ranger of Cardolan after engaging an enemy. Then during refresh phase exhaust Ranger of Cardolan and Raise the Shire ally for A Very Good Tale before they leave play.
  • Play Gaffer for 1 each round after canceling an attack. Just make sure to keep more Dunedain characters in play than Hobbits.
  • Give all questing Dunedain and Hobbits +1 willpower from the Redbook.

General strategy is to get Redbook out ASAP for resource acceleration and willpower boosting. Use first Raise the Shire to find Gaffer to safely keep an enemy or 2 engaged. Andarath Guardsman can help supplement this until guardians are out or Amarthiul has Hobbit Cloak and/or Ancestral Armor. Amarthiul and careful play of allies for the contract discount to amass the ally army. It's also helpful to quest with Beravor early on. Then use Frodo's ability to ready them for combat or card draw.


Apr 11, 2021 doomguard 2171

consider Pippin instead of beravor. less thread and increased engagement for enemys support the hobbitcloak, staf of lebetron and raise the shire because you want to engage, you will also draw cards. questing is the same.

Apr 11, 2021 kattattack22 866

@doomguardIt's a good suggestion, but I like how the deck is working with Beravor right now. I can get a lot of card draw while contributing to questing thanks to Frodo's ability. Beravor's 2 attack is also nice. Attack power usually doesn't come online until a few allies are out. Even then the more the attack power the better I've found playing in these Ered Mithren quests. The 2 more hit points have also helped with taking an early undefended attack.

The Tactics Pippin ally would have to be sideboarded out. He's great value at 2 and even more so at 1 if there are less hobbits. He also helps with the mid to late game attack power.

That all said, I can certainly see him working well in the deck. It would be nice to start with the discount on the more expensive Dunedain allies. It also wouldn't require using Frodo's ready for card draw. Although I usually use it anyway for threat control. I'd definitely put Lore Pippin hero down as a sideboard option.

Jan 17, 2022 Wandering Ranger 54

Looks like fun, I will give it a try. Also I could totally be missing something but how do you play The Shirefolk? Because as far as I know there is no way to modify the traits to have a combination where you can play it, unless a hero is dies.

Jan 18, 2022 Wandering Ranger 54

Sorry I found a way, you can ignore my previous comment.

Jan 20, 2022 kattattack22 866

@Wandering Dúnedain no worries. I should probably point that Last Alliance's exhaust action can modify The Shirefolk's text so it is playable.

Jan 20, 2022 Wandering Ranger 54

@kattattack22Yah but doesn't the The Last Alliance replace a trait instead of giving it. So you could exhausted The Last Alliance to replace the hobbit trait on The Shirefolk with the dúnedain trait, but you still have Frodo without the dúnedain trait required to play it.

The way I found was to exhaust The Last Alliance and modify one of the dúnedain heroes to have the hobbit trait, then during the refresh phase after all the cards have been readied exhaust The Last Alliance to modify the remaining dúnedain hero to have the hobbit trait then because the round is not over yet you can play The Shirefolk in the last action window of the round as all three heroes have the hobbit trait now. You could also modify Frodo and The Shirefolk to make it work as well, depending on which traits you want in play at the time. Sorry if that seemed kind of confusing.

Jan 21, 2022 Samuel San 12

The Last Alliance modify a trait to be either A or B, so in the shirefolk example it would read "if all your heroes are Hobbits or Dunedain" which means any combination of them works.

Jan 21, 2022 kattattack22 866

@Wandering Dúnedain, you can't use Last Alliance to modify the heroes' traits. Seastan pointed out when the contract came out that traits aren't part of the ability text. `

It doesn't replace traits it adds or A trait / B trait. @Samuel San` has the right of it to replace Shirefolk to say, "Play if only each of your heroes is a Hobbit or Dunedain." The wording is similar then to cards like Ring Mail or Armor of Erebor that work for either specified trait.

Jan 21, 2022 Wandering Ranger 54

Thanks, I guess that means that I have been playing The Last Alliance wrong. Anyway I tried the deck and beat Journey Along the Anduin first try, Good work.

Jan 21, 2022 kattattack22 866

@Wandering Dúnedain Thanks for trying it out! It's not a power deck since you start questing with only 4 willpower and Amarthiul needs some set up. I find it has a lot of fun uses for Last Alliance though.