muster and host them

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doomguard 2191

an idea to the new contract and perhaps a little hint why it is slightly op:

you can muster in up to 4 rohanchars + 1 from lothiriel and then make them permanent with host of the galadrim and use of the contract.

thats 7 ressources and 2 cards for up to (assume cost of 3 for each) 5 allies worth of 15 ressources + 2 times come into-play-effect.

and i think this can be optimized (this is the base-idea perhaps one have a better opimizing of allies or some fency things that increase that effect.

optimal would this run with a deck that:

  • either have eomer, then here can be taken beravor and some green events to get the important cards faster
  • have much carddraw given to this deck, with denethor additional ressoursses

the only thing you have to decide, when to use the contract. at the mustering, so you can select up to 4 silvans, or select only rohirrim and use the contract at the host (the silvans will stay even if you have used the contract to search them out of your deck).


Mar 28, 2021 doomguard 2191

swap lothiriel with a rohanhero with printed rohantrait, then you can swap eomer. so would do with Théoden and Éowyn, additional possibility to get rohanallies cheap.

Mar 29, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

I am not sure if you realized it, but you cannot have Lothiriel as a hero if you choose Silvan and Rohan as your traits for the contract. Also Lothiriel's response is used in the quest phase, while you have to use Host of Galadhrim in the Planning Phase.

Still yeah you can spend 8 resources, 2 cards and the effect of the contract for that round to perhaps get out 12-15 resources worth. Powerful but not OP. There are other ways to better "break" Host of Galadhrim in my opinion.

Mar 29, 2021 Peregrine 107

Why doesn't Lothiriel work? Is it because she gets the Rohan trait from an ability rather than having it printed?

Mar 29, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

Exactly, the contracty clearly specifies "printed trait". Lothiriel can gain the Rohan trait, but it would not be printed.

"Each of your starting heroes and each ally in your deck must have either the printed A or B trait, but cannot have both."

Mar 29, 2021 doomguard 2191

read my 1. post. i swapped with theoden and tacticeowyn, same thread same spheres, no lothiriel. recognized it after pupblishing.

Mar 29, 2021 Seastan 45852

This would have been fun, but unfortunately the The Muster of Rohan + Host of Galadhrim combo does not work. The allies will not become permanent and they will still get discarded. See this ruling here:

Mar 29, 2021 doomguard 2191

interesting, so the game remember even if it leaves play in the meantime. i am relatively sure there is a quote there would be mentioned the opposite by caleb. but i am fine with this, if it stay so. then it is not op, at least not in this way ;) eagle-beorning or rohan-beorning are a different matter.

Jun 15, 2021 jobaasim 10

If I make a Last Alliance Noble + Creature deck with T Eomer, Lothiriel, and Gwaihir, then could I use the Last Alliance action to change Lothiriel's ability text "If Éomer is in play, Lothíriel gains the Rohan trait" to "If Éomer is in play, Lothíriel gains the Rohan or Creature trait"?

I assume the answer is no, because that sounds bonkers, but I have to check. That is part of her ability text, right?

Jun 15, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

Jobaasim: No since if your chosen A and B traits are Noble and Creature you can't change the part of Lothiriel text which mentions Rohan, since it's neither A nor B.

Jun 15, 2021 jobaasim 10

Whoops, I meant make a Rohan + Creature deck. Would it work then?

Jun 15, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

Then you would not be able to select Lothiriel as one of the starting heroes since she does not have the Rohan trait during deckbuilding.