The Last Alliance of Elves and Elves

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ALeP - Ambush at Erelas - 1 Player - 2021-03-26
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None. Self-made deck here.
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SchadenfreudeNE 289

I built this deck mainly because I thought the deck name was funny. It's built around the skeleton of my Silvan deck. I ended up taking out a number of the tactics allies from my Silvan deck, such as Galadhon Archer and Rúmil, and added in a number of higher cost (Erestor, Glorfindel, Gildor Inglorion) or generally useful (Master of the Forge, Arwen Undómiel) Noldor allies.

Early in a game, I'm trying to use The Last Alliance with the The Tree People to bounce a low-cost Silvan back to my hand for a high-cost Noldor. Later in the game, it's fun to use The Last Alliance with Host of Galadhrim. While the Noldor characters don't have the enter play effects that the Silvans have, hitting them with Host of Galadhrim is still pretty useful to ready all of the characters that used their exhausting effect in the Planning phase or to heal all the damage off of them.

I'm on the fence as to whether this deck has the potential to be "stronger" or "better" than my traditional Silvan deck. My sense is that what I'm gaining from the Noldor characters and the use of The Last Alliance isn't netting out more than what I'm losing from taking out all of the Silvan cards. Still, it's a pretty fun deck to play with a lot of decisions to make throughout each turn, especially deciding when to exhaust The Last Alliance.