Galadriel, Summoner of Bears (Defensive Start Version)

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Derived from
Galadriel, Summoner of Bears (Covid-safe version) 1 1 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Galadriel, Summoner of Bears (TacBeregond Version) 1 1 0 1.0
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GKZhukov 99

GKZhukov has a newer deck inspired by this one: Galadriel, Summoner of Bears (TacBeregond Version)

For main play-guide and mirror-fetch-shuffle-loop see the original deck.

This version removes Caldara and introduces Spirit Beregond to guarantee a defender at the start. It does run at 31 threat, which may be an issue for something like Journey Down the Anduin, however it will steadily reduce its threat due to the double whammy of Galadriel and Beregond.

Tactics Beregond is also an option as he can allow for Beorning Skin-changer to be played from hand from the get go. In that case, include Gondorian Shield instead of Ancestral Armor or Armored Destrier (depending on if you need multiple defences or one big one).

Gandalf on a Wild Stallion buffs the questing since we no longer have Caldara, Prince Imrahil or Northern Tracker - though you may bring the latter or Pelargir Shipwright in if you feel it would help the quest.

With no Caldara, we also utilise Elf-stone to get early big guys, and later just as another way of dropping in bears once we've expended our Beorning Skin-changer, and Stand and Fight or if The Storm Comes has somehow eluded Mirror of Galadriel.

Edit: Thinking of adding a Firyal as there's several ways to play her in this deck and she's just generally excellent in solo.


Mar 18, 2021 doomguard 2170

i would include The One Ring and Inner Strength for beregond and add 3 Miruvor then you do not have to fear the troll + a possibel brood in the anduin 1. turn.

if you put in 1-3 Map of Earnil you can recycle Stand and Fight for more than 3 uses.

why Ancestral Armor? only cirdan can wield it anfter he has narya. that is not worth it. 4 res are up to 2 bears or nearly a glorfindel. that deck need no more lategame defense.

Mar 18, 2021 GKZhukov 99

Oh you're right, I screwed up there, thought Beregond was a Noble for some reason lol.

Mar 18, 2021 GKZhukov 99

In that case I'd probably put in Gondorian Shields, and maybe the 3rd Reforged, instead, (should the quest require him to be voltroned).

I did think about Map or Earnil, but it doesn't feel too necessary and space is tight atm. Still, it's definitely an option. The lack of One Ring cards is due to my collection.

Mar 19, 2021 kjeld 676

Why not 3x Giant Bear? It's a linchpin of the deck, they're not unique, and more bears is always better...

Mar 19, 2021 GKZhukov 99

@kjeld So far (mostly with my Caldara version, but this should be similar) I've found two works fine. I did think about three, but the priority is setting up Hero toys and getting out Glorfindel (also Gandalf/Arwen if you see them early). In the Caldara version there's also Jubayr and Imrahil to add to the mix.

Since we draw 4+ cards a turn, 1 of which is a delve into the Top 10 cards of the deck, you pretty much always get to bears by the time you need them. They are also a safe discard from Cirdan/Mirror since they can be resurrected by Skin-changer.

Consider that if you manage to play Mirror turn 1 you've already seen 19 cards (6 to start, a choice of 1 out of 2 off Cirdan, 1 off Galadriel's draw, a choice out of 10 for Mirror). You probably won't pick a bear from Mirror at this point (though you might depending on context).

Still, adding a 3rd would be fine, but keeping this deck to size is already tricky as there's so much that would fit nicely, but slimness is what makes it work.

Mar 19, 2021 doomguard 2170

just read the text of the original deck. and yes this is a good use of galadriels mirror without the harp (what imo in most cases is to expensive and a clunky 2-cardcombo) i was never lucky with the mirror alone (when u need it the mostly you discard the card you take out of your deck.. specially with few cards on hand)

searching for the bears and discard them is totally o.k. i would in fact i think about more discarding-possibilities. glorfindel is cool, but expensive. what about To the Sea, to the Sea! and or Imladris Caregiver a safe choice for discard is Elven Jeweler, just wait until the bear or Beorning Skin-changer is on hand and let it go.

all in all i think these options would fasten the bears