Take down Alcaron! (THIS BEAT NURN!)

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The Fortress of Nurn - 1 Player - 2021-03-16
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Truck 1472

This is a spinoff of the Fortress of Nurn deck from the Vision of the Palantir blog, adapted for my card pool, I added Dúnedain Warning, Dagger of Westernesse, War Axe Silver Circlet,Unexpected Courage Tom Bombadillo!, Self Preservation, Elf-stone, Boots from Erebor, Resourceful, Shadow of the Past and Thorongil.

Game Plan

What you want to see in your starting hand/starting is Light of Valinor, any Shining Shield, and any attack booster. A Test of Will is always good to see too. you quest every time with Frodo, spend his resource to ready Elrond, who has Dúnedain Warning or Shining Shield attached, and Glorf, with his Light, and later on with most of the allies. This will not work around 75% of the time, do to this being NURN, for heaven's sake, and you have a small and depleted deck, but if you can pull it off you should be good.

I beat Nurn with a score of 230 in 21 rounds and a final of 48, and 8 damage among heroes.

The chances of winning are slim, but I did pull it off. Have fun! Don't die at the hands of Alcaron!


Mar 17, 2021 KingDom 40

Congrats on the victory. Well deserved.

Mar 17, 2021 AlasForCeleborn 710

Hm. Good Meal looks like it could be trimmed (it can only affect Sneak Attack here), Resourceful is too expensive outside of secrecy (it takes 4 turns to pay back what was paid for it), and Elf-stone doesn't have that many good targets after cutting Treebeard (due to card pool, I understand). In addition, Tom Bombadillo! is chancy, and Shadow of the Past doesn't really look like it has any outstanding targets, at least as far as I can see on Hall of Beorn. I do like the inclusion of Dagger of Westernesse and War Axe as potential replacements for Rivendell Blade should you lose it at the start (alongside 4/5 of your deck, Caleb, what were you thinking). That, in my opinion, is one of the keys to defeating Nurn; build in redundancies so that the loss of 1 specific card isn't crippling.

Mar 17, 2021 Truck 1472

@AlasForCeleborn, what would you repalce Good Meal with? In my collection all I cold think of is maybe a Song or another Wilyador.

Resourceful isn't as bad as it seems, I tend to have a lot of resources piling up in the wrong hero's pool, and want Elrond who doesn't have Steward attached to get more I can play it on him. He can pay for all allies in the deck as well as generate healing with Warden, or keep Wilyador in.

Elf-stone could be cut, maybe for another Quickbeam? He is pretty useful for taking down Ulchor and another shot at getting him would have potential. The only thing is No Quarter castle side quest cloud discard him for good.

Tom Bombadillo! and Shadow of the Past work together, in case Bombadil is a shadow card. As for Bombadil being chancey, I go through the encounter deck once or twice in a 20+ round game ;). And Shadow of the Past is ok if a treachery is on the top of the discard pile and you and you have A Test of Will in your hand, or an enemy is on top of the discard pile, and you can't afford a location or treachery (those are pretty nasty in Nurn).

Overall thanks for the suggestions, anything that makes Nurn easier is appreciated!

Mar 17, 2021 AlasForCeleborn 710

@Truck, if you're going to keep Resourceful, maybe replace the Good Meal with a 2nd copy. For Elf-stone, another Quickbeam could work, or possibly a copy of Ghân-buri-Ghân, if you have him.

I could debate Tom Bombadillo! all day, but if you find it works for you, feel free to disregard my theorizing and keep it. Ditto for Shadow of the Past; you actually have experience of the scenario, I'm just guessing based off of what I expect happens in the quest.

Boots from Erebor is another card that I might consider cutting, though at the same time I understand why it's in there (I hate No Quarter with the fury of a 1000 suns) and I can't really think of a better alternative.

Mar 17, 2021 Truck 1472

@AlasForCeleborn Boots from Erebor could be cut, but I don't have the widest variety of cards. Should I replace with, as I said above, Songs? Or maybe more Wilyador?

Mar 18, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@Truck Is there a reason for not going with Vilya? I don't own the Vengeance of Mordor cycle, so I don't know much about the encounter cards.

Mar 18, 2021 Truck 1472

@GreenWizard This is based off a deck from Vision of the Palantir blog, and that deck did not have Vilya, and Elrond would only very rarely be able to pull it off. Also your deck is normally around 10-12 cards, so card draw is not needed.

Mar 18, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@Truck Gotcha

Mar 18, 2021 Truck 1472

@GreenWizard here is the original deck, only I added Good Meal and cut Robin Smallburrow.
