Blue with a pinch of green

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Preotet 65

A fun little deck with my favourite defender. No special combos, no special tricks. But I must say, it's fun when there's damage outside of combat flying around and you haven't yet drawn your Wardens. When you're hanging by a thread. The Finest, Traveller, and Thror's Key are for location control. Main attackers are Eowyn and Riders of Rohan. Suitable for Mirkwood cycle, Dwarrowdelf and maybe some others (haven't tried them yet), but definitely not Against the Shadow. :)


Mar 11, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

Have you considered Horn of the Mark to better use Lothíriel's ability?

Mar 11, 2021 Preotet 65

Ha, completely missed that one. Yeah, that would be a great card for the deck.

Mar 11, 2021 YeuelRulez 70

Horn of the Mark needs to go on a Rohan hero :( And then only works when the ally shares a trait - so you could attach it to Éowyn, but it will only trigger when your Rohan allies leave. Great card to throw in the side deck if you run across someone playing Éomer in Multiplayer!

Mar 11, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

Indeed, but since there a few good Rohan allies in this deck to put temporarily in play with Lothíriel's ability even if you attach it to Éowyn it will still work (even though not always)

Mar 12, 2021 YeuelRulez 70

how do you get them in to play in the first place when Lothiriel is not Rohan traited?

Mar 12, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@YeuelRulez Discard them to Éowyn and bring them back with Stand and Fight.

Mar 12, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

@YeuelRulezyeah it's true, my bad. I thought they shared some other trait with her besides the Rohan one, but that's not the case.

Mar 12, 2021 YeuelRulez 70

@GreenWizard We were just talking about Lothirel's ability :) you can play all the Rohan traited allies without using Stand and Fight since they are all Spirit, just not using Lothirel's ability during the quest phase. Stand and Fight is a great way to get the Wardens in to the game though!

Mar 12, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@YeuelRulez Gotcha