Call me King, for I Ride a Bear

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bane 92

Companion deck of my Haldir/Damrod deck for quests where combat is more important than questing.

Main objective is to soak damage and defend whenever possible, as well as killing any enemies that end up engaged with Haldir.

It isn't supposed to survive the whole quest.


Feb 28, 2021 Truck 1472

Nice name

Feb 28, 2021 bane 92

Haha Thanks! This is supposed to be my Haldir's partner deck.

It works well for what's supposed to do: defend and engage.

Feb 28, 2021 Truck 1472

Like your Haldir deck too, wish I could use Damrod in an actually good deck. I have all the sagas, but no Against the shadow cycle so he is a wasted hero for me. ):

Feb 28, 2021 Truck 1472

Also who is king? Brand son of Bain is king of Dale and Théoden is king of Rohan, so which one rides Beorn?

Feb 28, 2021 bane 92

Isn't that a great question?

Points for Théoden:

  • Known as a great rider;
  • Is never riding neither Arod nor Rohan Warhorse, so mostly is without a horse and can be presumed to be riding Beorn;
  • Has a nicer crown/diadema/tiara.

Points for Brand:

  • I have another deck with Spirit Théoden, so Brand is ALWAYS present when this deck is played;
  • He is usually killing enemies that wounded Beorn, so in a way, they might be closer together;
  • Riding Arod on top of a Rohan Warhorse on top of Beorn would be extremly cool, so maybe point stolen from Théoden?

Who wins? (Who's next?) You decide.

Feb 28, 2021 Truck 1472

Hmm... I choose... Brand. If he kills enemies that attack the giant bear, the giant bear would probably allow him to ride him. Also if he is ever-present=more bonding time as you said. Also horse on horse on bear = epic so yeah, that too. And Brand needs a coolness boost, becaus e stinks single player.

Feb 28, 2021 nelloianiro 1056

Just saw this haha

I choose Théoden. His beard is so much thicker than Brand's, therefore he seems more manly. Plus Brand will probobly be in charge of killing all the creature enemies in Rhosegobel, and Beorn loves all creatures so he might hold a personal grudge againt Brand. That kind of depends on how single-minded Beorn is... I think he's pretty single-minded.

Feb 28, 2021 Truck 1472

@nelloianiro No! Mine is better!

Mar 01, 2021 bane 92

Oh my, I'm not sure I want to make a decision here, all great points. We could try splitting Beorn's attention by having Théoden ride him during half of the quests and Brand the other half.

Good enough?

Also, about the deck: I might remove Booming Ent. Is not doing much. Starting exhausted is a bigger cost on this deck than I anticipated. Let's see what I can come up with in it's place...

Mar 01, 2021 nelloianiro 1056

I might add a Great Yew Bow, or Black Arrow.

Mar 02, 2021 bane 92

Of course! How could I forget about Black Arrow?

Mar 02, 2021 Truck 1472

@bane, For Booming Ent I would add The Defender. It's 4 is great, it can hold up against most enemies. And it is eligible fo Spear of the Citadel.