I finally beat the Black Serpent!! Yessssssssssssssss!

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GreenWizard 323

After somewhere around 35 or so tries I finally beat the Black Serpent. It might be my limited card pool, but did anyone else have this much trouble? Also, I want to find a new deck to beat this quest with. Do you guys have a deck that could/has beat this quest that they can share?

Thanks. Have fun! And don't let that serpent beat you. (:


Feb 25, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

What did you find hard about that quest specifically? I mean sure it's a hard one, but definitely not one of the harderst. What is your card pool?

Feb 25, 2021 LordElrond 115

Congrats! I have not played that quest but this deck looks fun. I like use the same Glorfindel and Elrond but I use Treebeard in place of Aragorn

Feb 25, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@Alonewolf87 If you click on my name you'll see my card pool. I know that it isn't the most difficult quest and my limited card pool makes it more difficult. The enemies have a mediocre attack, but then have those stupid abilities that make you take progress off the quest or they make an immediate attack, or discard an ally, etc. I end up taking the majority of the attacks undefended and hoping for no shadow, but Dori's there in case there is a shadow effect. The locations are all okay, the surge one sucks, and they all take a lot of progress to explore. The treacheries are bad. There's some surge and then one that reveals 1-2 extra cards and deals damage to a hero with an objective attached. I probably should think about A Test of Will and potentially Hasty Stroke, but I hate using Vilya only to reveal a useless card, like A Test of Will for instance. The side quests are horrible. Revealing Southron Captain in the early game or when your board state is not quite setup is basically a scoop. And then the other one takes all your progress off the main quest at the end of the round. Then the Black Serpent. In the first stage he's not too tough. Just take one progress off and he won't attack. In the 2nd stage he's considered to be engaged with each player with a objective attached, so basically he'll make 2 attacks a round. And the third stage you just have to take 3 progress away until you have the 6 required then you can engage him.

So basically, all aspects of the quest are hard. I mean a secrecy deck might work and I can include Out of the Wild to get any cards I don't like to the victory display.

Feb 25, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@LordElrond Thanks. Yeah Glorfindel, Elrond, and Aragorn decks are really fun. I imagine it would be the same for Treebeard too.

Feb 25, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

So a few questions: there are a some strange inclusions, especially of a few cards that you can play only with Vilya (all the leadership attachments, Resourceful, Timely Aid). Wouldn't be easier to use Aragorn and perhaps include a little more threat reduction? I would definitely add at least 1 copy of Unexpected Courage so that perhaps you can use Elrond's stats and not only Vilya. The Dunedain Pathfinder is probably not worth it (if you really want Dunedain allies to use the Dúnedain Pipe consider using the Dunedain Lookout) I would add Arwen Undómiel and a few other cheap good willpower ally. Vigilant Dúnadan is another odd inclusion, even when taking into account the encounter side quest, use Defender of Rammas instead. You could also try and go big with the unique Harad allies increasing their copies. Henamarth Riversong is spectacular in solo, considering using him and Gléowine too.

Feb 25, 2021 Truck 1472

Are all the extra s on "yesssssssssssss" like a snake's hiss?

Feb 25, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@Alonewolf87 once you Vilya out Sword that was Broken you can now pay for Celebrían's Stone from Aragorn, as well as the Steed and Steward. Timely Aid you want as a Vilya along with Resourceful, if by chance any of them get into your hand, Dúnedain Pipe them to the bottom. I can't believe I forgot Unexpected Courage it's a definite include (maybe Miruvor too, cause i only have 1 core set). I agree with you about the Dunedain Pathfinder, but I like him for a couple reasons. One. locations aren't terrible in this game and I'll save him for when I have at least 1 Northern Tracker out to help with clearing locations. Two, they're cheap. Three, they have good willpower, but your Dunedain Lookout idea isn't terrible. Arwen Undómiel would be a good add. I disagree with you about Vigilant Dúnadan. All the enemies in the quest beside the serpent are 4 or less attack. So he can defend generally all my attacks every round without exhausting, with help from the Warden of Healing. Defender of Rammas would be a good add as well. Gléowine would be nice, extra card draw never hurts. Henamarth Riversong is good, I'll add him, although with Firyal he's mostly used to look at shadow cards.

thanks for the comments!

Feb 25, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@Truck That or my excitement after beating it on my 37th try. :)

Feb 25, 2021 GreenWizard 323

I'm just wondering... Is there another approach to this quest that I have the cards/heroes for?

Feb 25, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

Then why not using Aragorn so that you do not have to find and set up Sword that was Broken with Vilya to play the Leadership attachments? Threat does not seem that much of an issue to justify Aragorn's use.

For the Vigilant Dúnadan you have to rely on getting the encounter side quest out ot use his full effect, at least include a couple of player side quests if you want him as a defender.

Feb 25, 2021 Truck 1472

@GreenWizard, What's your card pool?

Feb 25, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@Truck If you click on my name. My card pool is there.

Feb 25, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@Alonewolf87 I'm just about to try again with the changes you mentioned above. i'm going to keep Aragorn for this attempt, then if it doesn't go so well I'll try Aragorn. But i usually only go with Aragorn with either Théodred or another hero. Because I trigger Aragorn's ability just about every round. Then I end up with no leadership resources to spend. I'm also going to want any resource gen on Elrond, not only for allies, but with Vilya he's and .

Feb 25, 2021 Truck 1472

@GreenWizard Nice that someone else thinks like me! ;)

Feb 25, 2021 Truck 1472

@GreenWizard, here you go,www.ringsdb.com

Feb 25, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@Truck Thanks. I'll give it a go

Mar 03, 2021 LordElrond 115

Hey I know this deck. I've commented on it before.

Mar 03, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@LordElrond Oh yeah. It's my favorite deck ever!