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In Play
Discard Pile
AlasForCeleborn 708
Deck 2 of the fellowship, meant to handle combat and healing. All attachments from this deck go on Aragorn, along with Unexpected Courage, 1 Armored Destrier, and however many Dúnedain Warnings you think prudent from the other deck.
Some play tips:
- Sword that was Broken > Steward of Gondor > Celebrían's Stone
- Gandalf is primarily for threat reduction, though Aragorn can also help
- Once you get an Armored Destrier in play or Arwen Undómiel manages to boost Denethor, don't be afraid to be engaged with multiple enemies
- Knight of the White Tower with Narya is good, but try to hit Gléowine with it if you can, drawing 2 additional cards each turn is huge
- Erebor Record Keeper is almost never going to use his ability. With Sword that was Broken in play, he's 1 for 2 , making him a very efficient quester (provided there isn't direct damage to questers in the encounter deck)
Mulligan guide: Sword that was Broken, Steward of Gondor, Gléowine/Heed the Dream, healing