The Grey Wanderer Mono NEUTRAL Deck!

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
white wizard 24 15 4 1.0
The Grey Wanderer Mono NEUTRAL Deck! 2.0. Ready For Battle 11 7 0 2.0
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nelloianiro 1056

nelloianiro has a newer deck inspired by this one: The Grey Wanderer Mono NEUTRAL Deck! 2.0. Ready For Battle

Get that Strider!


Feb 05, 2021 Truck 1472


Feb 05, 2021 kattattack22 866

Impressive, most impressive.

Feb 05, 2021 GreenWizard 323

I'm Speechless

Feb 05, 2021 SchadenfreudeNE 289

We have a winner.

Feb 05, 2021 DEER PARK 225


Feb 05, 2021 doomguard 2190

sadly neutral is no sphere, so, the ability of the white tower watchman does not count, right?

and the same reason, the leaf brooch could not work.

i would max Resourceful Keen as Lances if i use them.

then (because of described above) i would ma the ranger of cardolan and reduce the white tower watchman.

miss totally Wilyador would take 1-3 he is so good

Feb 05, 2021 Truck 1472

@doomguard can't you appreciate true a work of art when you see one?

Feb 05, 2021 doomguard 2190

i can, if i see one ;) and i hoped he not only pupblished it for applause ;)

(idea is o.k. to make the white wizard, but 1. not this exceptional, 2. why no little optimizing in the deck? then the chosen cards do not seems so random)

Feb 05, 2021 nelloianiro 1056

@doomguard White Tower Watchman is a good sacrifice, and Wilyador is going to leave play pretty soon unless you use the contract's resource ability every round.

Feb 05, 2021 doomguard 2190

because, i think, White Tower Watchman cannot use his ability, i would use cheaper ways to chump (wilyador or envoy)

wilyador costs, if u want to keep him. he is also good for 1-round-use. and if the money is there (in multiplayer every player could pay) then he can be hold.

Feb 06, 2021 Flrbb 170

Impressive. Never thought of this.

Feb 06, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

@doomguardWhite Tower Watchman can still use its ability when Gandalf has Narya attached

Feb 06, 2021 The BGamerJoe 5242

Great idea. I just played Into Fanghorn with this basic deck last night and it’s remarkable how resilient and hardy the deck can be!

Feb 06, 2021 doomguard 2190

@Alonewolf87right, but this deck does not draw very good, so, hoping on narya, hmm... and when, then why not 3 copys?

and for the Leaf Brooch it will not help, because there are no leadershipcards.

furthermore, with just only 1 resourcefull (and as written i recommand 3 in the deck), this deck can have 4 res per round, why the ered luin miner? only 1 cost more and you have a ranger with much better stats. there is no discard from deck-mechanic, it seems less optimal not take 3 ranger instead of the miner.

steward is understandable, because can help carddraw the ered luin i do not understand. same with Defender of the Naith . using wilyador its cheaper and more usable.

Feb 06, 2021 GreenWizard 323

@doomguard I think the purpose of this deck is to be a deck with all neutral cards and a neutral hero. I agree with you that if you want to use this deck to play against a quest there is changes that can be made and honestly should be made, but as I said earlier, I'm pretty sure the deck is just for fun to show that you can make a mono-nuetral deck.

Feb 06, 2021 nelloianiro 1056

@doomguard I mainly made this deck for fun. (Thanks, @GreenWizard.) I was going to make another deck but I didn't know this one would be popular. Once it is off the hotlist I will make another (more practical) deck. Does that please you, master?

Feb 06, 2021 nelloianiro 1056

I just can't believe that you can find so many things wrong with a mono NEUTRAL deck

Feb 06, 2021 blurbston 51

I just made a deck similar to this. I won’t publish it because it’s so similar to yours! Cool deck!

I considered Council of the Wise instead of The Grey Wanderer because it provides better card draw. Worse readying and resource generation though, and no opening Strider, so maybe The Grey Wanderer is better.

You don’t need any Wizard Pipes at all, right? Because Gandalf can pay for everything anyway. Though I suppose it’s useful to put the events on top of your deck. Maybe a version of this deck with Council wouldn’t need any Wizard Pipes

This looks super fun; I will try it out soon if I have time!

Feb 06, 2021 doomguard 2190

@GreenWizard`it does not use all neutral cards....

but o.k. if only praises are welcome, i am out from this discussion. have fun.

Feb 06, 2021 AlasForCeleborn 710

Actually, @doomguard, there is a bit of deck discarding in here, Flame of Anor. Assuming you use Wizard Pipe every time to make Ered Luin Miner the top card of your deck, you can get both of them into play that way. However, I do agree with a lot of your other points; since neutral is not a sphere per the rulings regarding Stand and Fight and Reforged, neither White Tower Watchman or Leaf Brooch would work, the latter not even when Gandalf has Narya (printed sphere of influence). Now, when Narya's in play, White Tower Watchman can which point you spent 5 resources and 2 cards on quite possibly a chump. It can work, but there are more efficient ways to go about it.

Yes, this is a very interesting high concept deck, showing how the expanded card pool allows you to make a functioning mono-neutral deck like `@kattattack22` and `@GreenWizard` said, but you are also correct that this is a very rough draft of what it could eventually be. It's the Model T of neutral decks; groundbreaking, but not the endpoint.

Feb 06, 2021 LazR11 1

@doomguardwell I always appreciate your comments. Being new to the game I always learn something new from your suggestions.

Feb 06, 2021 nelloianiro 1056

@LazR11is right. Like I said above, I will update this deck to make it more competitive in the near future.

Feb 07, 2021 plessiosaurus 60

The is the Swiss Army knife of decks.