Grim and Ready

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Grimbeorn’s Path 59 43 23 1.0
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TheChad 14292

My video playthrough can be found here:

Grimbeorn the Old and Strength and Courage is insane. You can consistently attack for 7 once it is attached, 9 using his ability.

This deck includes the Forth, The Three Hunters! contract. The gimmick of the deck is not having anyone exhausted during the quest phase. In your opening hand you should be very happy to see Light of Valinor. However, if you draw a lot of restricted attachments you may consider not taking that mulligan. Aragorn can ready himself after commiting to the quest, so Steward of Gondor is a good fit for him, also if you get Gondorian Shield on him he can defend for 4.

Aragorn and Glorfy should be questing for a lot without being exhausted. There are many restricted attachments that boost willpower and the contract itself gives a willpower boost. Once the deck is online those 2 heroes will be questing for around 16 - 18. Grimbeorn can defend and attack in the same activation, giving you a lot of action advantage.

Lets look at the restricted attachments. Your primary goal is to flip the contract ASAP. Each hero must have 2 restricted attachments to do this, and can hold a 3rd. Raiment of War counts as 2, and on Side A of the contract it only costs 1. Try to get one on Grimbeorn, he starts with The One Ring so he only needs one more, but Rainment is SO GOOD on him, it could also go on Glorfy and get him his 2 in one shot. CelebrĂ­an's Stone, Silver Circlet, and Windfola give a willpower boost. Try to get these on Aragorn and Glorfy. Remember, if Aragorn has the Stone he also has the icon. I tried very hard to include a lot of attachments that can go on any hero, and an equal number that can go on specific traits. This means you need to be careful about who gets what attachment. For example, if you have a copy of Gondorian Shield and Aragorn and Glorfy each currently have 1 restricted attachment. It might be prudent to hold onto that shield and wait to see what your next card is. If it is an Armored Destrier then you know to play that on Aragorn and the shield on Glorfy so they both have two.

Half of the deck is Restricted attachments, and you need to find 5 since you start with one in play. Typically I flip on turn 3. You should be able quest for 5-7 on turn 1 and Grimbeorn is ready for combat. I have found that if I lose it is during an early round, but once the deck gets rolling it is pretty insane how good it is. Remember, you can swap out Restricted attachments, so if Glorfy has 3 and you draw Steed of Imladris, go ahead and make a swap if you want. Thorongil has many targets, but I think Aragorn has always been my choice.


Feb 03, 2021 McDog3 484

Thorongil has many targets

The obvious choice being Lorefindel

Feb 03, 2021 TheChad 14292


Jun 15, 2021 Beorn 14320

Good stuff. Three Hunters is so powerful when you go all-in with marquee heroes.