Haldir Dreads Naught

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
Haldir the Green 2 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Haldir Solo Play 1 1 0 1.0
Haldir's New Toys 0 0 0 1.0
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TheChad 14292

This is the deck I used in my video playthrough of The Hunt for the Dreadnaught.


It is a The Grey Wanderer Haldir of Lórien deck that uses secrecy and Elf-stone to get high cost allies into play for cheap. With a lot of card draw events and allies you will see most of the deck during a game. Hopefully you do not need to engage any enemies until mid-game so your allies can handle defense. If you keep your threat low enough you might never engage a revealed enemy. Use The One Ring and Strength and Courage to snipe for 7, one Bow of the Galadhrim will get you to 9.

good luck and happy sniping!


Jan 26, 2021 Seastan 45852

Hmm, something's broken here. I thought I set the ringsDB agorithm to prevent Haldir decks from showing up on the front page.

Jan 27, 2021 Beorn 14320

Two paws, way up. This is my kind of control deck. If you can Elf-stone into Firyal early, this should handle most scenarios nicely.

Jan 27, 2021 TheChad 14292

Thanks @Beorn, yeah Haldir and The One Ring. Something for @Seastanand Jon to each hate :)

Jan 27, 2021 GreenWizard 323

Great video.... like always. I love the deck!

Jan 29, 2021 ira212 276

Why does Seastan hate Haldir?

Also, why bother with Song of Battle? Doesn't Grey Wanderer get you enough tactics?

I wonder about Map of Rhovanion. Seems like it could work well here with lots of targets. Permanent +1 willpower for 1 resource is often worth it.

Also, how can you omit Henamarth Riversong in solo Lore deck?!

Jan 29, 2021 TheChad 14292

@ira212 Seastan and I have a very friendly rivalry about our favorite heroes. It is all in good fun. Song of Battle comes in handy when you want to play Timely Aid or Celduin Traveler and then also play a card. During playtesting I had so many cards in hand from the ample card draw that I often wanted to play 2 off-sphere cards a round. Sure the map would be good, there is a lot of cards that I wanted to include, The Evening Star, The Hidden Way, and others. I find Henamarth Riversong and Firyal to be redundant. Yes, Firyal does not let you know the card prior to committing characters to the quest like Henamarth does, but you are basically looking at the same card twice.

Jan 29, 2021 ira212 276

I can believe you on everything else, but I'm really surprised about Henamarth Riversong! :) 1 resource for 1 willpower, a chump blocker if you need it, a 4th chance to find encounter deck knowledge, and something that gives you Shadow card knowledge if you've already found Firyal. I guess maybe you don't ever engage enemies, so perhaps I'm overestimating his value. And if you get to play allies for free with Timely Aid, better to find an expensive one than a cheap one...

Since you're secrecy and playing solo, what about Risk Some Light and/or Out of the Wild ? I guess Firyal solves most of your problems and you want to stay stacked with allies for Timely Aid?

Jan 29, 2021 TheChad 14292

exactly, the more 'non-allies' you put in, the less effective Elf-stone and Timely Aid are. A few people commented on how lucky my draws were for those cards, but honestly the deck is built in a way to greatly increase the chances of big allies coming into play for cheap. If you start adding a lot of other secrecy cards you lower the ally-odds, and I think the deck will suffer for it. It is very tempting to include all the great cards in a build, and sometimes you need to make the decision of 'what is the main gimmick' I want my deck to do. Here, big allies for cheap.

In a tri-sphere non-secrecy deck I think Henamarth is a really good call since it could be tricky to get Firyal in play. But when you can pay for her on turn 2 if you have to, she out-shines him and he ends up not making the cut. Thanks for checking the deck out!