Questlogs using this decklist | |
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Fellowships using this decklist | |
Fun with Hobbits and the Three hunters defending them! |
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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Card draw simulator |
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In Play
Discard Pile
Aoshi312 107
I made a hobbit deck for fellowship saga quests and decided I wanted the other deck to kind of become a strong hero focused protection deck. One that could hit the ground running with powerful heroes who were multi-purpose and wouldn’t require much set up to start protecting my hobbits
I settled on the big three mainly because I hadn’t made a deck with the these three versions of the heroes yet(mostly used leadership Aragorn/and tactics Legolas and Gimli)
Mulligan for Steward of gondor for Gimli (most important) and Elven light for Legolas . These are the central cards of the deck since Gimli requires resources for his ability and Legolas requires discardable cards for his. If you feel like you aren’t finding these two cards often enough, feel free to swap out some desperate defense for them but the deck usually has enough card draw to get to the cards you need so I don’t bother.
The deck is fairly simple to run. Quest with all three heroes. Discard elven light to ready Gimli. use wing foot on Aragorn to hopefully ready him(there are some scrying cards in the hobbit deck to make this fairly consistent. otherwise just declare enemy since that’s when you’ll really want him to be ready anyway.
The shield goes on Gimli and celebrian stone on Aragorn will help with questing and take some of the resource pressure off of Legolas. I always give unlikely friendship resources to Legolas so he has them available for elven light and a test of will. obviously attach Mirkwood long knife when you get it. I only included one copy of light of valinor since Gimli can buff Legolas when he readies him but it can help in the right situations.
You have decent card draw with Daerons runes and deep knowledge(not a threat thanks to Aragorn threat reset) but I also almost always use my sneak attacks on Gandalf to draw cards as well. You can also use it on elrond in a pinch to remove a bad condition attachment or heal a hero. (maybe Galadriel but I usually find Gandalf and Elrond are better options)
Speaking of allies. Feel free to alter the amount of Galadriel/Elrond/and ioreth in the deck based on the amount of healing you think you’ll need. I’ve found one Elrond, 2 Galadriel and one Ioreth to be the sweet spot but it can be quest dependent.
Arwen is super handy as always. I tend to give her buff to Treebeard or Boromir or Sam in my hobbit deck to help defend this deck if it gets swarmed with enemies since it offers sentinel but it can also be given to Gimli if he’s low on health.
Envoys are just cheap efficient allies and allow you to give whichever hero needs the resource and extra in the early rounds and errand rider is great to just love resources where ever needed.
Ranger of Cardolan is backup when you need that extra help. I rarely play him unless it’s for his response.
Magic ring usually goes on Gimli but can really be given to anyone.
Jan 23, 2021 |
Jan 26, 2021So there’s a couple reasons I added one copy to the deck. There are certain quests where having a ready hero can be very helpful during staging. Some encounter cards will ask you to exhaust a character or suffer some terrible effect or cause a terrible effect on all exhausted characters. Certain locations require a character to exhaust to travel etc. Sometimes I don’t draw the right attachments for Gimli which means I need his resources for other things and can’t afford to spend them every turn just to ready Legolas. Lastly, Gimlis ability to ready a hero is not limited to Legolas. It just gives Legolas plus one attack. So if I’m swarmed with enemies or if the hobbits need a hand, I can defend with Aragorn, then defend the next attack with Gimli and ready Aragorn which will give me plus 3 attack from Aragorn rather than the plus one Legolas would receive. In a real pinch I could even defend with Legolas though I’ll admit that rarely happens. |
Question for briefly mentioned why you included Light of Valinor (the right situation) but doesn't it mostly cancel Gimli's effect? I like the deck, I just can't quite figure out how Light of Valinor would be that useful. Thanks!