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Card draw simulator |
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In Play
Discard Pile
Lord Alcaron 177
The goal of this deck is to attack an enemy in the staging area three times, once with Haldir of Lórien, then with Bard the Bowman/Great Yew Bow, and then with Dúnhere for your normal attack. Usually, we don't get to attack an enemy more than once per round, but because Haldir and Great Yew Bow's abilities allow you to make attacks as part of a card effect, so I believe you can make more than one attack on the same enemy. (Referenced threads below):
This means that we can use the defense-reducing effects of Bard the Bowman and Rivendell Blade for multiple attacks, as they last until the end of the phase. We can also take advantage of Straight Shot.
Mulligan for Master of the Forge.
This deck can work in both solo and multiplayer. It is more suited to multiplayer, but can work in solo, mostly thanks to the outlanders. (Feel free to sub them out for other allies if playing multiplayer).
Jul 03, 2016 |
Jul 03, 2016Yeah, that certainly would work and would probably be more reliable. On the other hand it is really fun to see big, high-defense enemies be reduced to 0 and then Straight Shot them. :) |
Jul 04, 2016Sweet idea. What changes would you make for a 4 player version? |
Jul 05, 2016I don't play too much 4-player, so I wouldn't be the best judge of this, but I would probably take out some Outlanders and put in some general ranged/combat allies like the Galadhon Archer, making this into a more focused combat deck, as other decks could handle questing. It's going to be harder to keep all the enemies in the staging area with more players, so the ranged allies can help with those that engage your partners. Note that this version of the deck is not the most optimized, as I have this built in real life, and have a lot of staples in other decks, so feel free to sub in the A Test of Will, etc. |
Jul 05, 2016Also I tested this deck 5 times against Journey along the Anduin and died all 5 times either to troll or to locations pooling in staging... I think it has to be in multiplayer. Something like the troll just murders this deck. |
Jul 05, 2016That figures. I've tested this mostly in 2 player. The main problem you are going to have in solo is defense, that's why the hill troll is causing it so much trouble. I tested it a couple of times in solo against quests with mostly high-engagement cost enemies just to see if it could make it, but yeah, you're right, it is definitely a multiplayer-oriented deck and if anything is just the manifestation of a cool idea rather than an optimized deck. Thanks for trying it out! |
Jul 05, 2016Wow, great deck idea! I've actually been toying with a similar concept but I didn't think about using all three of these guys in the same deck! I love screwing with the staging area (my normal favorite deck is Ranger/Trap), so look forward to playing this. What scenarios have you playtested it against, and how did it do? Specifically in solo? Journey Down the Anduin solo is probably a tough sell because having a boss enemy come down at 30 threat from the outset is a stout challenge for any solo deck not built somewhat around it. Be curious to play and tweak this deck for more. Maybe adding in some location control may be helpful as well. You could always Asfaloth with Haldir. As per the comment above, I'd definitely consider including Galadhrim bows... even if you simply add them in. Adding two extra attachments to a 52 card deck is nothing when you have a whole host of attachment/weapon fetch cards like Master of the Forge and Bofur. I think people get too wrapped up on 50 card decks.... card draw and fetching makes bigger decks viable. Great job, love seeing creative decks that stand out from the pack. |
Jul 05, 2016Thanks! I love Ranger/Traps as well and have enjoyed playing your 'Ye Olde Ranger Trap Deck' a lot. So far I've tested this 3 times in solo, once against Across the Ettenmoors, which it beat easily, and twice against Flight of the Stormcaller, both very close games, 1 win & 1 loss. I'd love to get some feedback on what I should tweak for this deck as it's sort of half-baked right now, so I'm curious to see what you think. Location control might help on the questing side of things... although I've never tried Asfaloth without Glorfindel. Do you find that it is generally worth it with the 1-progress per turn? Thanks again for the kind words and feedback! |
Jul 06, 2016I feel like it may be best to hone this deck as a good 2 or more player deck. It does not defend/quest reliably enough early to be a good all around solo deck. |
Jul 06, 2016Do you have any suggestions for how to tweak it for a solely multiplayer setting? |
Jul 06, 2016Assume the other deck handles more questing and some defense. I would probably play a few feints to help with defense. I can't really think of anything specific. It's best to build another deck, try them together and see what's lacking. |
Jul 06, 2016Sounds really fun to play and seems well thought out to me for the effects you were going for. The cards all make sense with what you are trying to do with it. I am going try this deck out! Thanks for making it! |
Jul 06, 2016No problem! Thanks for trying it out, and let me know if you have any suggestions! |
Nice, I never thought of using Dúnhere with Bard the Bowman before, I really like that. Since you're going to be relying on Bard the Bowman's -2 , maybe Bow of the Galadhrim would be more reliable than Rivendell Blade?