Gloin One Ring

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Derived from
The Tower of Pain 2.0 (Gloin Jank) *CotR Deckbox* 91 65 4 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
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bobbymcbobface 724

I am currently in the midst of an ambitious project to make a One Ring deck for every hero in the game. ME, a THEMATIC player?!!! I know, i just think this is going to be a very fun project, and will test and stretch my deckbuilding skills.

I thought I would publish this one, because it is a new take on COTR's Sean's Gloin Tower of Pain deck. Here is a summary of changes made to the version of five years ago:

  • Dropped Elrond. One of the biggest issues in the original version was the starting threat of 35. Yes, Sneak Attack Gandalf is a thing, but many of the newer quests especially feature a ton of threat punishment. I also like to have Gandalf's other options available to me. Also, as I will get to later, Elrond's extra healing is simply not needed anymore.
  • Frodo Baggins is an amazing hero, who allows your threat to stay pretty steady, and also allowing double use of Treebeard.
  • Added a few high cost allies from the last few cycles, notably Firyal and Haleth.
  • The One Ring and Well Preserved turn Gloin into an absolute beast. Heal ALL damage EVERY round?! Don't mind if I do!
  • The Free Peoples instead of Grim Resolve is a no brainer, since there are a multiplicity of traits here, and the +1 is great on top.

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, traumas, etc!