Forth the 3 Rangers into The Land of Shadow

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Loss - The Passage of the Marshes - 2 Players - 2021-01-03
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kattattack22 866

I wanted to build a Gondor Ranger deck for The Land of Shadow quests in the LOTR Saga campaign. I also wanted to keep using Forth, The Three Hunters! as Grant and I have avoided many nasty encounter cards by doing so.

Mablung was the only Gondor Ranger hero that really made sense with the contract. Idraen and Amarthiul are FFG created characters so I'm just going to pretend thematically their Ithilien Rangers. Idraen is great too for access to Spirit for Test of Will and her buit in readying.

General game plan is Idraen and Mablung quest together. Idraen is primary target for willpower boosts. Mablung is the primary target for Steed of the North and attack boosts. This should let him quest and attack easily. Amarthiul defends and maybe attacks back with Armored Destrier readying.