A Stay in Imladris

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A Stay in Imladris (motk_bilbo) 2 1 0 1.0
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Darkling Door 6609

This is a thematic deck built for an ongoing series on my blog, Darkling Door.

Theme: Bilbo Retires to Rivendell

Played Against: Nightmare The Battle of Carn Dûm

"That house was, as Bilbo had long ago reported, ‘a perfect house, whether you like food or sleep or story-telling or singing, or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all’. Merely to be there was a cure for weariness, fear, and sadness."

Many Meetings, The Fellowship of the Ring


An efficient Noldor deck that draws itself through in its entirety multiple times in a single game.


  • You want to get as many copies of Love of Tales into play as you can, as quickly as you can. They will help your resource generation immensely.
  • Keep very careful track of how many Will of the West you have left. You always want to play the last one before it gets discarded and you lose your opportunity to cycle through the deck another time.
  • If you're feeling lucky, you might be able to let the last copy go and fish it out of the discard pile with The White Council if that's the last one you see, but be careful you don't run out of resources before you play it!
  • South Away! can be occasionally useful Location control tech in the early game, but in the late game once you get all 3 copies of Love of Tales out it's primarily a form of resource generation.
  • Defense is done by Allies in this deck, namely Guardian of Rivendell and Gildor Inglorion. Give them a Wild Stallion and either a Cloak of Lórien or Squire's Helm to give them a little more longevity!
  • Light of Valinor goes on Círdan the Shipwright so that he can use Narya in addition to questing.
  • When you get a chance, put Song of Wisdom on Círdan so he can enjoy a Love of Tales as well.
  • Unfortunately Asfaloth can't go on Ally Glorfindel, but I have found that sometimes a little chip progress on Locations each round can make a difference; but he's not a priority on your first go-through the deck.

► For more analysis, check out my blog post on this deck.


Dec 14, 2020 doomguard 2191

why no Fireside Song ? would give potential for more questing easily. if not, beravor fasten a bit more then frodo.

Dec 14, 2020 Darkling Door 6609

@doomguard Good question! I ended up cutting Fireside Song from the deck from an earlier revision; at 2 cost in , I couldn't play it on turn 1 without a Song of Travel, and in the early game I found that I wanted to prioritize other cards instead (like To the Sea, to the Sea!). In the late game, Allies were just as efficient and a little more versatile, so eventually it hit the cutting-room floor on one of my optimization passes.

As to why Bilbo instead of Beravor; because I couldn't very well cut Bilbo from a deck themed around him, now could I? But if the theme isn't as important to you, then yes, I suspect Beravor would do well here too. (There is a slight difference between the two, in that with Bilbo you get to look at 1 more card before deciding what to discard to Círdan the Shipwright's ability; I don't know how much of a difference that makes in practice, though.)

Dec 14, 2020 doomguard 2191

the "looking at2 is a good pint i never realized before. i handled cirdan independent of all other drawings, but you are right, you draw 6 cards in your version and have to discard 1 of them. that makes the cirdan-erestor-combo much better s i thought of.

for your deck, the drinking song is better with bilbo than beravor. thematically i see now problem beravor as dunedain strides arond imladris at those times.

overall in this special situation (if playing solo) there is not much of a difference between bilbo and beravor.

you draw this much cards, i would not have a problem go slightly over 50. so i would include some safty dwarfen tomb. and then 1 firesidesong where enough. depends on how the game went i can then get a elronds council, will of the west of firesidesong back.

Dec 14, 2020 Sfrug 399

Looks like a really fun deck. I'm wondering how you might change it if you were going to play a different scenario. My thought is (since draw will not obviously be a problem) you might want to put in some more cards—maybe some of the extra copies you discarded b/c of the discard pile effects in Carn Dum.

Dec 14, 2020 GreenWizard 323

How much attempts did it take you to beat Nightmare Carn Dum? Because that's not an easy quest. Just a little curious on how the deck did. :)

Dec 14, 2020 Denison 633

Thie deck needs A Perilous Voyage. Not sure if I am kidding or not.

Dec 15, 2020 Darkling Door 6609

@Sfrug I actually like how this deck plays at 50, so if it were for me I'd probably not add too much in. That being said, I'd probably do a couple of substitutions to make it even more reliable. I'd probably remove Lindon Navigator and Sailor of Lune and replace them with Eregion Survivor and Guardian of Rivendell for a little more combat prowess. I'm sure I'd make a few other tweaks in a more generalized setting, but it would take a little playtesting to suss those out.

@GreenWizard With this version of the deck I was able to win 2 out of 5 games, which I was pretty happy with (especially since I felt I had some exceptionally bad luck in a few of those games). It took a lot of tuning to get to that place, though; there were plenty of iterations before this one that didn't fare so well!

@Denison I can't decide if I love that idea or not. It definitely gets the gears turning about an A Perilous Voyage Noldor deck though; could be really great!

Dec 15, 2020 Marcelf 1375

Another deck with the drinking song / love of tales combo, I like it! Why don't you play Daeron's Runes and Lords of the Eldar ? Do you really need that much location control in solo ?

Dec 15, 2020 doomguard 2191

what do u think of this version? ringsdb.com less thread more spirit-res from the start. another option to discout a card in with think and smoke.

at the allies i add the suns of elrond

Dec 16, 2020 Darkling Door 6609

@MarcelfBetween Círdan the Shipwright and Drinking Song, I didn't really feel like I needed more deck filtering (or to burn through my deck any faster!) but Daeron's Runes is always solid if you wanted to try throwing it in. I cut Lords of the Eldar from an earlier version of this deck because at 3 I found it was too expensive, especially with the Treachery in Carn Dûm that makes discarded cards cost 1 more. Plus I kept shuffling it back into the deck only to have to draw it again! The Location control turned out to be vital for getting the edge on Carn Dûm. It's possible you could cut it against other quests, but I think I'd keep Steed of Imladris either way; it's great pseudo-questing even if your is coming up a little short!

@doomguard Looks fun! I bet the low threat will serve the deck well. You'll have to let me know how it plays!

Jan 11, 2021 doomguard 2191

have done 2/1 carn dum solo. with my version 1. game i did not get to the sea and threated out 2.game had to the sea 1. round, played glorfindel with discard and so battle was no problem. erestor defend with ring every round (song of healing helped)

Jan 25, 2021 blueluke 174

Great deck! Noldor decks are always fun and this one gets a huge theme bonus.

There's just one thing I don't get: How do you plan to play South Away! without any player card attachments in the deck?

Jan 25, 2021 Darkling Door 6609

@blueluke Oh hey, good catch! I didn't realize X wasn't allowed to be zero. Glad I never actually got it to work in practice or I'd be back to the drawing board. In that case a substitution for Song of Healing would probably be good, just as another Love of Tales target.