Hey, We are not Creeps

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Hey, We are not Creeps VER 2.0 2 1 2 1.0
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Truck 1472

Truck has a newer deck inspired by this one: Hey, We are not Creeps VER 2.0

Seeing @bobbymcbobface's Haleth review, I decided to make a MotK Haleth deck.

Haleth serves as Quester, Beregond Defender, And Imrahil Attacker. If you Sneak Attack in Gandalf for Questing, Commit Imrahil too.

Comment Questions, I will try to answer.


Dec 04, 2020 Truck 1472

Please no negative questions, Thank you very much.

Dec 04, 2020 rockete 21

With Spirit Beregond I'm in love with Blood of Númenor. In this deck with 3 Song of Kings you can put Steward of Gondor on Beregond and you don't need any other defense card. I'll try this deck with this modification. Nice deck

Dec 04, 2020 bobbymcbobface 724

Looks great! I’ve been trying really hard not to use any messenger of the king decks until I get the card, but this deck might just break my willpower

Dec 04, 2020 The Purple Wizard 1207

Intriguing. I like the idea of using Haleth to find the songs. The main problem with relying on them in most decks is you can't be sure to find them, and if you don't your deck's plan is foiled. Haleth solves that, IF you quest successfully. I'm not sure if you have enough willpower here to do that on your own. If this is meant to be a solo deck, that's a problem, but in multiplayer along a solid questing deck it should work well.

Dec 05, 2020 ira212 276

I think it must be a multiplayer deck, because otherwise cards like Campfire Tales makes no sense over Daeron's Runes, which is both less expensive and better card draw (for solo only). But if you play 4 player, then suddenly Campfire Tales is actually a ridiculously good deal of 1 resource for 4 cards. So I assume this is 4 player.

That said, in a big game, you’ll have plenty of defending action for Beregond, and if you’re bothering with Song of Kings, then you can also use Armored Destrier. I think more Unexpected Courage can be good too, if you have them. I like A Burning Brand for perfect shadow defense too.

You might also consider The Gathering Storm, since you can handle most enemies pretty well! I like 1x Faramir if you’re playing any leadership deck. You might also consider Envoy of Pelargir to help shuffle resources around before you get all the songs. Have fun!

If it’s easy, could you include a link to the original Haleth review? I’d enjoy reading it...

Dec 05, 2020 bobbymcbobface 724

@ira212 Here’s my Haleth review: ringsdb.com

Dec 05, 2020 ira212 276

Awesome, thanks for sharing! Good thoughts!

Dec 07, 2020 Truck 1472

@ira212It is not a multiplayer deck, I just forgot Daeron's Runes while I was trying to make it a mostly Mono-Leadership deck. As for Armored Destrier, The Gathering Storm, more Unexpected Courage, and Envoy of Pelargir, check my profile for my owned packs.

Dec 07, 2020 Truck 1472

@rocketeCheck my profile as well, though I badly want Blood of Númenor

Dec 07, 2020 Truck 1472

@bobbymcbobface broke your ? LOL

Dec 07, 2020 Truck 1472

@The Purple Wizard Every time I have played I have had no problems Questing and I have played multiple times with this deck.

Dec 11, 2020 Truck 1472

@rockete @bobbymcbobface @The Purple Wizard @ira212

I need insights on this decks VER 2.0. Please comment
