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doomguard 2191

additional refresh, cards, signs or even a hero?

this is the mother of supportdecks. you can make up to 9 (in words nine) refreshes in 1 round:

draw 2 cards with beravor then theoreticially you can have:

  • 3 cram
  • 3 additional uses of cram with reforged
  • 2 miruvor
  • 1 lembas

o.k. no one needs this much in 1 round, but fun to see, what is possible.

an average of 3-4 refreshes per round should be possible in the long run, because to the one-times refreshes comes the repeatable refreshes (courages and light, i count light to this even its not exactly refresh)

hammersmithes can recycle lembas, cram or miruvor and dwarven tomb can recycle reforged

miruvor can be used and put back on the deck, then drawn by master of the forge or treasure hunter, so you do not need the hammersmith.

gleowine, expert treasurehunter and master of the forge increase carddraw at home, so beravor can be used at a friend.

if there is a need of an additional hero somewhere, ceorl can be traded.

with arven courage or armor of erebor can be played 1. round. if needed she can later do additional carddraw with elevenlight.

if no one has the ring, ceorl can additional have the ring and power of command then he will be traded where the most unique characters lie.

instead of beravor you can use saruman or radagast put in 3 words of command + some runes and/or drinking songs and add justice https://ringsdb.com/find?q=justice then you will have a massive boost with following disappearance of this deck (while ceorl stay at a different player)


Nov 25, 2020 askelad 640

cool idea and well executed!

i don't think Armor of Erebor is worth it, that's paying 2 just to make Erebor Hammersmith into a measly 2 , same for Hauberk of Mail.

a cool support package i personnally love in this kind of deck could be Song of Eärendil+Deep Knowledge+Elrond's Counsel to control threat accross the table and spread some extra draw around

Nov 25, 2020 doomguard 2191

armor of erebor and hauberk is for other players.

song+deep is also nice but i want to stay at 50 and dont want to have less attachements because of masters and treasurehunters

Nov 25, 2020 askelad 640


However, cutting Gléowine and the 8 least important attachments but adding 3 songs would leave you at 26 attachments, which i think is still enough for the engine to go, you still have a 50/50 for Expert Treasure-hunter and all of your discardable attachments would still be there for Erebor Hammersmith, and Master of the Forge would only have a 2% probability of whiffing, and 84% chance of having several attachments to choose from (and 53% chance of having 3 or more attachments to choose from).

I guess it depends on style and what kind of deck(s) you want to support, but that is worth consideration in a fellowship that is on the heavy side of threat.

Nov 25, 2020 doomguard 2191

what attachements would u cut for it?

Nov 25, 2020 askelad 640

it would depend on what attachments your teammates need, but i'd go with Armor of Erebor, Hauberk of Mail (or a Dúnedain Warning if the hauberk has a dedicated target), Spare Pipe (23% chance to whiff is a bit high for my taste and is precious), all 3 Dúnedain Remedy (because it is just bad, you have Athelas and Lembas for healing) and 2 Dúnedain Mark (attack is the easiest stat to come by and most attack attachments are more efficient, it is difficult to be lacking attack this badly in multiplayer).

cost distribution would be the same except you would have slightly less which is a good thing considering (MotK) Ceorl might not stay under your control, and you would overall have a lot more draw both for yourself and the rest of the table which is good given how low your curve is

i'd sideboard the option, make an Elrond+Gandalf or Boromir player happy some day :)

Nov 25, 2020 doomguard 2191

if i would add the deepknowledge-part your suggestions are solid.

the pipe is to improve hp or a pipedeck, not for the reaction. btw in the deep knowledge-version the %is a bit higher ;)

how boromir player?

Nov 25, 2020 askelad 640

Song of Eärendil, share the load

Nov 25, 2020 askelad 640

true the pipe goes to 9% whiffrate which is tolerable, then you can cut the last Dúnedain Mark instead?

Nov 25, 2020 doomguard 2191

or keep the marks and go up to 52. while supporting haldir or eomer the marks can be more important than the warnings. i think the whole signs/hauberk section can be modified, depending on, what the others have. if i know nothing, i think i will go to 52 or perhaps reduce elvenlight by 1

Nov 26, 2020 askelad 640

yes you can do that, but i'm not sure about Elven-light, you would need to do some testing to get a feel of how much you draw and how easily you can find the one copy left.

Nov 26, 2020 askelad 640

also in the threat control department Woodmen's Clearing would do nicely in this deck

Feb 16, 2021 Truck 1472

Wow this is epic.