Never Go Full Rohan

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Never Go Full Rohan 1.5 23 14 3 2.0
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The BGamerJoe 5242

The BGamerJoe has a newer deck inspired by this one: Never Go Full Rohan 1.5

Rohan. It’s a love/hate thing. abut the contracts are making Rohan better!

This is a “full Rohan” deck but it contains both Treebeard and Gandalf who are thematically appropriate and they make the painful title possible.

You can follow my thought process as build the deck and see it beat Escape from Umbar in this video and then see it play through Intruders in Chetwood twice (you can enjoy a bungled Justice Shall Be Done) in this video.


Oct 27, 2020 Sfrug 399

Who's the Helm of Secrecy swap?

Oct 27, 2020 The BGamerJoe 5242

Well I don’t have a “must do” swap in mind but I thought it would be a nice -7 threat by turning Gríma into Folco Boffin. I mostly included it because I needed more Neutral and it was thematic for Eowyn. Théoden could also turn into Lore Aragorn. But I’m happy with it in there just for fun and flexibility.

Oct 27, 2020 TheChad 14292

hahaha! Tropic Thunder reference!

Oct 28, 2020 kypatzer 91

Cool deck, really enjoyed your videos. I Modified it a little: I took out Justice Shall be Done, Helm of Secrecy, Lorien's Wealth and the Horse-Breeders and added Song of Healing, Horn of the Mark, Double Back and A Good Harvest.

Oct 28, 2020 kypatzer 91

Also put in Muster of Rohan, kind of a safer win-more card than Justice Shall be Done.

Oct 28, 2020 The BGamerJoe 5242

Nice! I’ll try that version! I guess I subconsciously made a deck that didn’t want to discard allies. I like the “Host of Rohan” feel.

Oct 28, 2020 kypatzer 91

Muster synergizes well Guthwine, also I play tested it and Song of Healing works well with Erkenbrand too.

Oct 29, 2020 The Purple Wizard 1207

Your deck title is on point. All my Rohan builds have included at least one outside faction/element to make them work reliably. Rohan makes for good meat of a deck but has never had quite the right engine.

Oct 29, 2020 The BGamerJoe 5242

@The Purple Wizard Just Gandalf and Treebeard that’s not too bad. This deck is actually working pretty well. Just did another couple games with @kypatzer’s suggestions and it’s killer. Absolutely destroyed Antlered Crown.

Oct 29, 2020 The Purple Wizard 1207

I guess Grima is "Rohan" but really his traits should be "Greasy," Outcast," and "Traitor." My main problem with Rohan has always been card draw. I remember trying for two years and many iterations to build a deck around Guthwine. They worked great when I found Guthwine but I could never find it reliably.

For your deck here, you've got great pieces to get off to a blazing start but I wonder how long it is before you start top-decking, unless you've found Gleowine. I haven't watched the videos...what has your experience with that been?

Oct 29, 2020 The BGamerJoe 5242

I mulligan for Gleowine buy I’ve only had one game where I felt a card draw pinch. As published there’s 9 cards that specifically or indirectly help with card draw. It’s not bad.

Oct 29, 2020 The BGamerJoe 5242

I’ve emptied my deck. Can’t complain about that! @The Purple Wizard

Oct 29, 2020 Uruk-guy 554

@The BGamerJoe how about Horn if the Mark for card draw? Then discard an ally and recur with Guthwine every round :)

Oct 31, 2020 The BGamerJoe 5242

Yeah that's a good combo, as is Song of Healing. Added both to an updated deck list. @Uruk-guy