Dry Your Tears: Building Against: "The Land of Sorrow"

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The Land of Sorrow - 1 Player - 2020-10-25
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Alduc 596

The Land of Sorrow is a tough quest, especially in solo, and to beat it I decided to go back to a classic hero line-up. This is probably the least original deck I have built in years for this game. Apart from a couple of new cards, it is so 2014.

Thorongil should go on Beregond. Not only will it help keeping threat low, but it will allow some much needed resource smoothing.

One thing I didn't include in this deck: healing. Once Beregond has his full complement of armor he should withstand all attacks, and the allies provide plenty of Archery Soak. I discovered that Wilyador in particular is an almost auto-include against any quest that includes Archery, his health can be even more useful than his stats.

If threat is under control Thorongil could go on Glorfindel to get some inefficient healing, but I think it's more useful on Beregond.

With only a single hero Elfhelm can be difficult to get out, but he is an MVP against Land of Sorrow. He'll ready during the refresh phase, and lower your threat by 1 when the forced effect triggers on stage 1B at the end of the round. If he's on the table, it's possible to turtle up when there's only a single camp in the staging area before the final push to stage 2.

Last reminder: don't kill the third warden before clearing out the final camp. Leave him with a single HP to dispatch him easily during stage 2.


Oct 27, 2020 eldub 694

I used a similar deck type to take on City of Ulfast, but I went with Arwen Undómiel to get access to Elven-light for more consistent card draw. Did you find the deck stalling out at all? I found that, if I couldn't find a copy of elven-light that the deck just straight-up didn't work because I couldn't see enough cards.

Oct 27, 2020 Alduc 596

@eldub Legolas is such a reliable draw engine for the deck that adding a third copy has merits. During my games with this deck I usually ended the game with enough cards to pitch to Elven Spear; Foe-hammer also helps to get there. The main problem I can see with switching Glorfindel for Arwen Undómiel is the lost of a solid hero attacker, something which is needed (I'm avoiding spoilers here) against The Land of Sorrow.