Forth, The Two(k) Hunters!

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Forth, The Two(k) Hunters! 8 1 3 3.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Marcelf 1375

Changes since V3

-2 Resourceful : I don't need so many resources to make the deck work, and I can play a song on Bilbo if I need resource smoothing.

-1 Nor am I a Stranger

-1 Herugrim : I always play it late game without the contract's discount and when I drew the whole deck. So 1 copy should be enough, since Pippin is able to attack at 8 without it.

-1 Daeron's Runes : I have only 2 copies of unique cards to discard and the interaction with Drinking Song is not good.

+1 Peace, and Thought : great with Fast Hitch to quickly draw the whole deck.

+1 Strider : I often need it turn one to boost starting willpower.

+3 A Test of Will : I lost several games because the deck couldn't deal with some nasty treacheries even if it was set up.

How the deck works

This is a new version of my 2 characters deck. This a deck designed for scenarios that let you time to set up, but I find it fun to play with only two hobbit characters!

In the first turns you try to draw a lot of card with Mithrandir's Advice, Deep Knowledge, Peace, and Thought. Then you can let Folco Boffin go back home and discard him. Pippin's is boosted by Strider and songs and his by Dagger of Westernesse and Herugrim.

The One Ring and Well Preserved are meant to be played on Bilbo Baggins to use him as a defender. With the three copies of Ring Mail and Well Preserved he can have 5 and 6 .

The deck has fewer restricted attachments than conventional Three Hunters decks, but it's not so hard to flip the contract with so much draw and the fact that you have only 2 heroes and The One Ring already in play.

The Forth, The Three Hunters! contract brings a healing tool that was lacking in the first version. As the deck still struggles against direct damage and archery, Well Preserved helps to mitigate this. Once fully setup it is possible to heal 7 damage per turn (2 with the contract and 5 with Well Preserved).

The deck is able to quest for 15 with only Pippin questing or 21 with Bilbo questing too, defend well with Bilbo, and attack once at 24 with Pippin. With a Fast Hitch Pippin can attack another enemy at 9 .

Finally I found that the Three Hunters contract and Well Preserved improved this deck a lot, feel free to give it a try and let me know what you think!

Results in solo

Intruders in Chetwood : 1W-0L

Intruders in Chetwood nightmare : 1-0

Wastes of Eriador : 1-0

Escape From Umbar : 2-2

Desert Crossing : 2-0

Race Across Harad : 0-2

Black Serpent : 0-1

Fire in the night : 1-0

Mount Gundabad : 0-1

Fate of Wilderland : 2-0

City of Ulfast : 0-1

Land of Sorrow : 1-0

Ruins of Belegost : 0-1