We Used to Be Friends

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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

eldub 694


Basically just wanted to make an Ent deck with Saruman and The Grey Wanderer...That's pretty much it. Funny little thematic win and some potential for power over the slower quests in the game. Starting out at 13 and some decent thanks to the hero + Strider gives you some of the requisite time it takes in order to compensate for the slowness of the Ents.


Not much to say on this front. Just crammed all the Ent cards into a deck (apart from Beechbone, Leaflock, and Skinbark). I originally had Keys of Orthanc in there, but I realized that, with Saruman's Staff, I was rarely raising my threat with the event package. Resourceful alongside the contract and Treebeard's resource generation ensures you'll be able to play two Ents per round, usually.


Mulligan / keep conditions are prioritized in this order: 1) Resourceful/Timely Aid, 2) Staff, 3) Entmoot. Other than that, just turn cards sideways. It's not going to be a t1 deck, but it's thematically satisfying and tense to see how quickly you can get the ents to come online. Hopefully you can pull off a particularly potent Far-sighted to stack the encounter deck to give you time.


Oct 10, 2020 Blithe Schlemihl 63

I'm curious. Why A Very Good Tale? It seems as though it is not a great card for ents who enter play exhausted meaning that you are using two ents in order to put up to two more into play also exhausted. Is that really worth it?

Oct 10, 2020 Taudir 342

Well, I can imagine, if you use it at the end of the round right before the refresh phase, it is actually better than playing them in the planning phase.

Oct 11, 2020 Alonewolf87 2449

The problem is that with the contract you can play the off-sphere cards only in the planning phase, so no A Very Good Tale at the end of the combat phase.

Oct 11, 2020 Taudir 342

Oh, thanks, totally overlooked that. My bad.