Blue Explorers (New Aragorn Spirit)

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Card draw simulator
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The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

TantZor 171


INTRO Having received the very last expansion, I wanted to try the new Aragorn Spirit. Thus, Aragorn is a proxy for his lastest Spirit version :

PURPOSE The purpose of this deck is to control the encounter deck and deal mostly with locations.

CONTROL The control is performed by : -Shadow of the Past -A Watchful Peace Thanks to these cards, we can influence the encounter deck to deliver locations.

The control can start if locations are here, so to maximize this situation, we can use either Dunedain Pathfinder or Mithril Shirt. By the was, Mithril Shirt works great with Ring of Barahir which enables to play Asfaloth.

LOCATIONS Then, the exploring of these locations is done with : -Aragorn (Spirit Version) -Asfaloth -Northern Tracker -Greyflood Wanderer with his ability if needed

ENNEMIES In case of ennemy, Ride Them Down can be a life savior. If direct engagement, Linhir Sea-captain (which is played without exhausting) or Westfold Horse-breeder can be used as trash and our mighty heroes can defeat the ennemies thanks to pretty good attack, and once stuff (Light of Valinor, Unexpected Courage, Idraen's ability), they may have quested, they should be ready to attack.

Knight of Belfalas is here to bring some additional punch and bring back Linhir Sea-captain if needed.

Main flaw would be card drawing, despite Ancient Mathom and Westfold Horse-breeder (who brings Asfaloth).

ARAGORN SPIRIT Despite pretty bad drawing, the capacity is actually very good. If locations are revealed, he activates and contributes to the quest (even twice if you quest with him and use Unexpected Courage). And if ennemy is revealed, then he does not activate, stays ready and his good stats are useful to deal with the nasty ennemy. Linhir Sea-captain brings additional synergy to this strategy if Unexpected Courage is not here.


Oct 04, 2020 jvader 135

i might add thorongil to make use of aragorn/glorfindal's other forms

Oct 04, 2020 TantZor 171

Good idea, especially with "Green" Aragorn for threat reduction :)

Oct 05, 2020 doomguard 2170

would use rhovanian outrider. replace shipwright, they also quest for 2 in most cases and helps explore locations, they can attack for 2 what makes them more flexible.

Oct 05, 2020 TantZor 171

I actually considered him, but in solo, which I play more often, I do not have so often a location still in the staging area. But he may shine in multiplayer.