Aussie Bush Folk - The Dunland Trap (Solo - Progression)

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Derived from
Silvan Rainbow 29 12 0 1.0
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Remedy 28

After a rather lengthy hiatus from playing this wonderful game I recently took the time to finish off the Against the Shadow cycle and commence my journey through Voice of Isengard and now The Ringmaker Cycle.

It's probably not true progression, but given how things are designed I prefer to open up my card pool a bit wider with progression play and have access to everything from a given cycle. This is a list I was inspired to build after seeing that the Silvan trait had a resurgence in this set.

I was inspired by TheWanderingTooks build (silvan rainbow) but wanted to focus it more on solo play as I found a lot of the ranged support wasn't connecting as much while I got pummelled by The Dunland Trap.

I really like the synergy between Celeborn granting the stat boost to silvan allies each turn alongside Galadriel not requiring them to exhaust. I found out that at least for this quest threat control wasn't as important and so I focussed the list more on having enough juice transitioning from quest 2 -> 3 to appropriately prevent damage and attacks going into heroes. I particularly enjoy A Very Good Tale as your deck is flushed with both the event itself and allies after going from 1 -> 2.

Henamarth River song is a fun little solo machine that allows you to quest for 2 and not exhaust on the turn he enters play and then in the following turns planning phase you can use tree people to get a larger silvan ally into play and then replay him to repeat the cycle again.

The Ministrel is great for digging for the important events to answer the challenges present in the game at any given point. I also enjoyed the value Naith Guide gave while digging for Light of Valinor for Celeborn.

The defender of the Naith is a really fun and important card for the deck. An ally with 3 DEF the turn they enter play with the opportunity to quest for 1, defend for 3 and ready to either defend for 3 or attack for 2 is good value and importantly in a tri-colour deck he is a silvan you can get down.

Envoy of Pelargir is to drive some of Legolas's excess resources across to Galadriel.

Nenya and O Lorien really drive this deck forwards. I'm still not sure in this card game whether one of effects like power of orthanc are useful but for this particular quest I think I may have at one point even run two to stop the nasty In Need of Rest treachery that lost me many an attempt before.

This was my first time engaging with Silvan's as an archetype and I had a lot of fun. Here's hoping some variant of this can get me through the remainder of the cycle!