Epic Elevenses

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Epic Elevenses - RJ 0 0 0 1.0
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TheChad 14298

I have played a lot of Hobbit decks. This deck plays a lot of Hobbits.

There are 2 goals with this deck:

Goal 1: Have as many different Hobbits in play at the same time as possible.

Goal 2: Play Elevenses to reduce your threat by the most you can. It is okay if you have to raise it back up due to under-questing. The goal is to have Elevenses drop your threat by the most you can at the time it is played.

I played this crazy thing against Shadow of the Past. Draw 5 cards for clearing Bag End, don't mind if I do.

This Bond of Friendship deck is designed to play as many hobbit allies and hobbit related cards as you can. With Peace, and Thought and Frodo's Intuition you have 4 events that draw you 5 cards each.

Tom Cotton with a Hobbit Cloak and Staff of Lebethron is an amazing defender. If in a pinch, return Gaffer Gamgee to your hand.

With Moneybags Frodo Baggins you will have some resource smoothing and A Good Harvest as well, helps pay for all those 2-cost hobbits.

In addition to all the hobbits, this deck only features other hobbit cards. Red Book of Westmarch is bonkers good.

There are ways to make this deck better and more powerful, but that is not the point of this deck. The point here is; this is just a fun deck to take against a quest, especially the first Saga quest, and see what kind of hobbit army you can amass.

Check out what I was able to do here: https://youtu.be/gKfOG--Hlkc

If you wanted to try a non-saga quest: Swap Sam Gamgee for Frodo Baggins, drop Fireside Song for Sam Gamgee. Drop Frodo's Intuition for Sword-thain and Hobbit-sense. Note Well Preserved is not legal unless you use The One Ring.


Sep 02, 2020 Beorn 14320

I love it. I’m going to build it once I’m back from vacation. I might even try to make an alternate art version of it, if that’s all right with you.

Sep 02, 2020 TheChad 14298

Heck yes I'm fine with that! Can't wait to see what you come up with @Beorn, I love your alt art decks.

Sep 02, 2020 AlasForCeleborn 710

Black Rider: Have you seen Baggins?

Gaffer: Aye. Why don' you say hello to'm?

Raised Pippin and Farmer Maggot: And his little friends, too.

Black Rider: Well...there are more of us, you can't outrun all of us!

Merry, Red Book of Westmarch, and Frodo Can't Pay Tuition: laughs in

Sep 02, 2020 TheChad 14298

@AlasForCeleborn hahaha, exactly!!

Sep 04, 2020 Truck 1472

You should replace Ally Merry with another card ( A Dúnedain card?) and replace Tom Cotton with Merry. Merry gives you 5 !!

Sep 04, 2020 TheChad 14298

@truck but then I would not have a way to get Tom Cotton in play. The goal is to have as many different hobbits as possible. Thanks for checking out the deck.

Sep 20, 2020 Joto Baggins 45

This is the single coolest deck I have seen on this site. Well done sir.