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Card draw simulator |
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In Play
Discard Pile
Uruk-guy 554
Grima is always finding himself among those whom he has no business being around...
First time using BoF. This is a fun deck only meant to squeeze those fun cards into a (mostly) thematic Rohan deck.
There were obviously many and options to throw in here so decisions to make cuts were difficult. In the end, these were the cards to make the ultimate lineup. However, the sideboard is very versatile to meet the needs of different quests. I wanted healing, drawing, resource acceleration and readying. This deck boasts a good deal of variety in all categories. The true downside is only being allowed to add 2 copies of each card. I may consider adding the certain (and already spoiled) "title" card for Eowyn as well once I receive it.
Opening hand: You're looking for a weapon (ideally Guthwine) and card draw (ideally Gleowine). An Open the Armory is something you could take a chance on as well. If you're lucky enough to get a Galadhrim's Greeting and A Good Harvest you're even better off.
Grima: Gets to make himself useful with Golden Shield. His 2 actually comes in quite handy here. His ability is actually quite helpful so long as you use it sparingly. I did not use it enough to justify Keys of Orthanc. You can play for any essential card in this deck turn one with Grima's ability, and the right combo of cards will get you beyond that. Though he doesn't deserve it, he would benefit from a self-preservation.
Eowyn: Give her a Herugrim or maybe even a Glamdring. Give her Rohan Warhorse for repeat her ability. Speaking of Which, her ability is a huge perk for starting threat. This brings you all the way down to 35 which is not bad for four Rohan heroes.
Theoden: He doesn't need his Herugrim but he could take it if he has no other early options (in which case you could give Golden Shield to Eowyn). His best bet is Guthwine which is the Gamling sub, giving him the ability to recycle allies (mainly Eomund) and reduce their cost. He is also well-suited for Glamdring which can buff him up to 7 when paired with Guthwine. You could also give him a Rohan Warhorse. He and Eowyn (when she has Herugrim) are the attackers.
Theodred: He's the low-threat the resource guy. If you feel inclined to give him a weapon there is enough readying to justify it.
Allies: This was by far the most difficult task. You basically have to decide if you need or . Elfhelm or Deorwine are dedicated defenders, but Elfhelm acts as your Feint. Grimbold is suited for this as well and also boasts 2 . Gleowine's role is obvious. Emound is probably the most important ally and should be recycled at all costs. Ceorl can attack and quest. After this you're looking for either 2 or 2 . Take your pick with allies (there is a very nice addition coming in the next pack).
Gandalf+Sneak Attack... because, duh... Plus, paying for him is actually easy if you need the Sneak Attack for Eomund.
Aug 22, 2020 |
Aug 22, 2020missing snowmane. would swap 1 herugrim for that. perhaps i would replace whitecouncil with keen as lances, more flexible. at least one. i like the use of need drives them, i think its good in this deck specially you get fast to 40 with grima. |
Aug 28, 2020I hate Worms. when playing this deck, kill him off immediately. |
Aug 28, 2020
Aug 28, 2020Wormtounge is a bad bad bad person. |
On my to-do list was to make a bond of friendship Rohan build. I'm really glad to see this and can't wait to give it a try.