Someone Asked for Willpower and Readying?

Questlogs using this decklist
Win - Race Across Harad - 2 Players - 2020-08-21
Win - Into Fangorn - 3 Players - 2020-10-03
Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

kattattack22 866

Multiplayer questing deck built for Race Across Harad to be paired with the Ranged Three Hunters deck.

The idea was to make a non-spirit deck with lots of readying available and willpower from the start. This is where Leadership Frodo and Motk Leadership Faramir come in. You can commit all the heroes to the quest turn 1 for 7 willpower and use Frodo's ability to ready Faramir then boost willpower to 10 without playing any allies. Eventually, Faramir can just be held back and used to boost all the questing characters. Frodo then can ready another unique character. This worked great with the Three Hunters deck once the contract flipped.

Another way to start the game strong is if Word of Command and a Doomed card are in hand. Then can play Word of Command to find Saruman's Staff. Play it, and then play the Doomed card for less threat and ready him to quest. Getting the staff early to play Doomed cards freely is key. Mulliganing for the Staff or Word of Command is a good idea.

Frodo is the first choice for Steward as it allows him to keep readying a unique character during questing and keep threat in check. It also helps allow Envoy of Pelagrir to move resource onto him. Lore is pretty light in cost other than Firyal.

The Armored Destriers are for another player's combat deck. It was included here with Grimbeorn the Old in mind. The other defense options are The Wizard's Voice and Defiant Challenge to ready a sentinel defender. Knight of the White Tower late game is another option. Pelagrir Ship Captain and Envoy can help move resources onto a single hero to play the knight.

Besides Deep Knowledge and Drinking Song, Soldier of Gondor and Galadhrim Minstrel provide some nice passive card draw. There are plenty of Gondor allies and events that they basically replace themselves.

The sideboard is just comprised of some options if a strong defender is really needed or someone else is running Steward.