Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Saga Deck 19.1: The Black Gate Opens 3 1 2 20.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

RedSpiderr 2204

I used this deck for the twentieth quest of my Saga Campaign. I am going to try and keep it as thematic as possible, stemming from the 'What If?' of 'What if Gandalf didn't escape from Orthanc in The Fellowship of the Ring?'

Together with his faithful servant Samwise and his loyal bodyguard Faramir, Frodo has made it into Mordor. Now he must undergo the most difficult part of his journey, crossing the very land of the Enemy, avoiding his servants and eluding his grasp. And above all, the weight of the Ring ever grows on Frodo’s mind. Nevertheless this is his doom, and with all the strength of will that he can muster he will strive to see it done, even at the cost of his own life.

This deck seeks to maximize primarily the willpower of Frodo Baggins and Sam Gamgee so that they can both contribute to the quest and the many fortitude tests we will come up against. The willpower boosting primarily comes through Fireside Song and the other songs we have taken: Song of Wisdom; Song of Travel; and Song of Eärendil. There are also some on-demand willpower boosting in the form of Rosie Cotton and Galadriel using Nenya, and Friend of Friends to give both hobbits an increase.

The remainder of the deck is primarily concerned with bringing out as many cards as we can. Hobbit Pipe ought to be triggered by both Elrond's Counsel and Smoke Rings, both of which incidentally also raise your willpower, and Pippin will also help take out a few more. But the heavy-hitters are in the form of Mirror of Galadriel, Drinking Song and Keen as Lances, especially when we are able to reduce it's cost to being free.

This deck represents the determination of Sam to keep Frodo in the road to Mount Doom. He draws on his experience traveling (Song of Travel), the wisdom he has gained from those around him (Song of Wisdom), draws comfort from the Song of Eärendil, and thinks of his lass Rosie Cotton back home. But he is not alone, for the Lady of Lothlorien is stretching forth her mind to lend what comfort and encouragement that she can. For now is the doom of Middle-Earth to be deemed, and it rests in the hands of one small hobbit.

The play-through using this deck can be found here: