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In Play
Discard Pile
Mathrandir 78
A deck that is purpose built to beat Nin-In-Eilph solo, using only cards released until the Ringmaker cycle, no saga cards and one Core set.
The deck has met my goal of winning the scenario three times in a row. Nin-In-Eilph was not a very hard scenario to build for. This was the first custom deck for it that came to mind and the first build, I didn't need to tweak it.
All the enemies in the scenario need to be killed on the turn that they appear. Éomer with Firefoot and Glorfindel can handle that, with one more attack from any ally. The enemies have low attack stats, so Elfhelm is the primary defender and the usual target for Arwen's boost. Nalir (free objective ally) can defend until you find Elfhelm, as long as he is undamaged and boosted by Arwen. Treebeard or Guthlaf can also defend, and Envoy and Horse-breeder are good to chump block with. Chump blockers are needed for the boss monster, and also fuel Éomer's ability. It wasn't very hard to kill the Swamp Thing two times, both on stage 3 and stage 4 in my victories.
Elfhelm is great in this scenario, cancelling out the extra threat from Nalir and from Quest stages 2 and 3. With Counsel and Greeting, there is enough threat control to stay below 50. I still ended my victories around 40 threat, as this is a long scenario.
I tried to stay on stage 2 until I had built up my board enough to deal with the boss monster and to have good questing in play. Most of the allies can contribute to questing, and Astonishing Speed is there to boost almost all of them on stage 3.
The worst card in the encounter deck is In Need of Rest, that's what Power of Orthanc is for. It is also the best target for Test of Will. (It killed Éomer in one of my victories, but I still pulled through.)
There is no pure card draw in the deck. I opted for the Rohan search cards instead, as they play around the stage 2 quest card that prevents card draw. Likewise there are no items in the deck, to play around the location that punishes items.
Have you made another progression style deck that regularly beats this scenario? Please let us know in the comments!