Pippin, Esquire of Rohan

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SecondhandTook 572

This deck came from the question, "What if Merry picked up the Palantir instead of Pippin and was whisked away by Gandalf to Helm's Deep?" It was a fun "What if" to explore and after completing a deck focused on Merry, Denethor, and Faramir, I wanted to make a complimentary deck.

That's how this deck started. I needed something that would quest. First thought, throw in Éowyn who has only gotten better with the introduction of the Noldor strategy. Now instead of pitching extra uniques or cards that are unplayable at a given moment, we can freely throw away cards like Glorfindel and Elven-light and reap the benefits later.

After Eowyn was added then came Théoden. Not knowing what the third Hero would be at the moment, I wanted Theoden to help with the cost of any Rohan allies as well as providing me with a decent combat Hero in an otherwise squishy lineup. I didn't want Theoden to jump into the frey alone, however, and included cards like Snowmane and Herugrim to give him a little more... umph.

Then came the third Hero and a funny little "Ah-HA" moment I had in my head. I chose Pippin for a few reasons. Being in Lore, he provides access to card draw not only via his own ability but by giving us cards like Daeron's Runes and Gléowine (now a little cheaper thanks to Theoden). Though he only raises the engagement cost of enemies by 1 in this lineup, Pippin's other ability gives both decks a little more time to set up before the enemies start raining down. And lastly, I thought it was a nice little thematic touch to the question I attempted to answer in the beginning of this paragraph. After all, if Merry were to enter into the Service of Steward than of course Pippin would've joined the forces of Rohan in the battle to come.

Along with the Heroes and their toys are a few other cards to fill up the corners, if you will. Blood of Númenor goes right to the other deck's Denethor making him a hardy defender especially combined with Gondorian Shield (also in the other deck). Fast Hitch can go on either Pippin or, better yet, Merry to give their Faramir another attack.

For more about this deck and the decision behind certain card choices, look for an upcoming article on my blog: https://www.secondhandtook.wordpress.com



Jun 16, 2016 Vicaroth 60

How are you enable play Asfaloth?

Jun 16, 2016 SecondhandTook 572

@VicarothSorry, it's not entirely set in stone but I'm working on a 3rd deck to partner with this one that has Galadriel as a Hero.