Only power cards

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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Bond of Complete Strangers 2 1 0 1.0
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Loragorn 38

A deck with the new cool contract Bond of Friendship that lets you have 4 heroes. To handle the hard restrictions placed on the deck, my approach is to just include straight up power cards from each sphere. This includes the heros, which I also select for their low threat. There is close to no synergy in the deck. The hope is that one additional hero and the raw power of the cards is enough.


Jul 21, 2020 jvader 135

i'm not going to lie. this is my kind of deck, not a lot of thinking

Jul 22, 2020 doomguard 2190

And who geht the Ring? Wolf add immer strength and put on denethor.

Jul 22, 2020 Loragorn 38

@doomguard I would have given the ring to Eowyn. Inner strength is an option instead of Power of command if we want more blocking and less willpower.

Jul 22, 2020 doomguard 2190

a troll or dragon will perhaps make some problems then, at least solo. paired up with a fighterdeck it can build up much questing power.

Jul 22, 2020 Loragorn 38

You are probably right against real boss enemies. I think of it as mostly a single player deck since it takes up a lot of card space. But if the other players are happy to work around that it should do fine

Jul 23, 2020 doomguard 2190

for solo for the hard quests you Need a solid Defender. noit all can be chumped or feint. against hard enemys (belegost, carn dum, Campaign with nazgul, trolls, Dragons, Mumakil...) in About half of the games, i would put it with inner stregth on denethor AND would add 2 gondorian shields (for revealded in wrath, inner strength for 1 light)

Jul 23, 2020 Loragorn 38

Oo I completely forgot about gondorian shield when I was thinking about tactics staples. That should be included probably anyway.

Jul 23, 2020 kjeld 709

It's perfectly possibly to run both Power of Command and Inner Strength -- you can choose which you want to start with depending on the quest. You might also consider Heed the Dream and Drinking Song to help get what you need out of your toolbox. If you're going to use the latter, I'd also sub out a Galadriel's Handmaiden for Bilbo Baggins, and possibly the other one for Sam Gamgee. If you boost the number of unique allies, then at some point The Arkenstone could replace Power of Command.

Jul 23, 2020 Loragorn 38

Heed the dream is a good idea as well, I really overlooked some staples. Drinking song is probably good too, although it usually reduces my hand size. Of running both power of command and Inner strength I am not a big fan since with poc I have to decide before staging. Including guarded cards is an interesting idea for Bond of Friendship decks in general since they boast a lot of power early which can be converted to long term benefits.

Jul 23, 2020 kjeld 709

For Drinking Song, you already run four unique hobbits. Add 1-2 more and you likely won't suffer the hand-reduction size.

Jul 23, 2020 Loragorn 38

@kjeld What would you cut though?

Jul 23, 2020 kjeld 709

I'd cut the handmaidens -- they're too squishy. Ally Bilbo gives same stats for same cost with 1 additional hitpoint, so that's easy. Odo Proudfoot or ally Sam are other options. It would be good to make room for Robin Smallburrow, as well -- his ability is fantastic and he's got a solid statline. You could drop an Asfaloth to make space.

Jul 23, 2020 Loragorn 38

@kjeld well the problem is if I want to add lore cards I need to cut lore cards since I have Bond of Friendship.

Jul 24, 2020 ellipticaltable 224

If you want defense, put Blood of NĂºmenor on whoever has the Steward, and wait a few turns. :)

Jul 24, 2020 Loragorn 38

@ellipticaltable the question for me is how good blood is without steward since I only run each card twice.