Will and Strength

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Operation Necromancer
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Strength and Will 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

AutumnRose 1477

Note: this deck is part of a Fellowship and is designed to be played alongside my Age and Wisdom deck.

The Goal

The goal of this deck, and its partner deck, was to take on Escape from Dol Guldur. I built a pair of decks that could quest hard when needed, and absolutely crush a powerful enemy or two when needed (such as the Nazgul of Dol Guldur). After defeating Escape with flying colors, I took these decks on more test drives and discovered their strength is fairly universal, although they definitely shine when tough enemies need to be killed in a hurry.

The Strategy

The strategy for this deck is to support its companion deck by providing as much offensive support as it can. While the companion deck has effective defenses, this deck does not. Therefore, strategy should involve letting enemies be engaged by your buddy while you stay clear to fire arrows.

Bard the Bowman

Bard, when firing at an enemy engaged by Aragorn in the other deck, reduces the enemy's defense by 3. Give him a weapon and a rohan warhorse and he can devastate enemies. Save him a Black Arrow for a turn when attackers are spread thin or an enemy has a huge amount of health.


Legolas not only provides extra offense but also stacks on extra progress to the quest. With a rohan warhorse he can do this twice per turn, letting you sprint through quests as you take out the enemies.


Eowyn is here to quest every turn and let both decks discard some unneeded cards or extra copies of uniques to quest harder.

Other Cards

Most of the other cards here fuel this engine. Bofur lets you search for those very useful weapons, and then you can switch him to questing when you're loaded up. The Westfold Horsebreeders let you fetch those Rohan Warhorses. The Eagles are Coming can help ensure that you have allies to play, and Foe Hammer is just great card draw.

The Honour Guards will mostly be used to cancel damage on defenders in the other deck, but are also useful against treacheries that deal damage.

Secret Vigil can help ensure your threat stays low enough that enemies will attack the other deck and not you.

Straight Shot can be sideboarded in if there is an enemy in a quest that you're worried about that has tons of health and 3 or fewer defense. If Bard attacks such an enemy while it's engaged with Aragorn, you can use Straight Shot right after the attack to kill the enemy. It isn't required in most quests because most enemies can be killed outright anyway.

A final note. I'm sure this deck could be built much more efficiently with a modern card pool, but I'm working with my limited card pool that I own.