Aragorn's false beard

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Aragorn's false beard 11 3 3 1.0
Inspiration for
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Marcelf 1375

Changes since V1

-1 Barliman

-1 Gaffer Gamgee

-1 Ghan buri Ghan

-1 Gleowine

-1 Daeron's Runes

-1 Word of Command

+1 Wingfoot

+1 Narya

+1 Magic Ring

+1 Elrond

+1 Gildor Inglorion

+1 Treebeard

Since the first version of the deck , I realized :

  • I could make 9 resources per turn once the board is set up, so I can play more expensive allies like Gildor Inglorion,

  • Allies that leave play before or during combat like Gaffer Gamgee or Ghân-buri-Ghân are not so good here because they make you lose the contract's bonuses. And here I don't have any means to put an ally in play outside the planing phase,

  • The first version of the deck was lacking a lot of action advantage. Thus I added Wingfoot, Narya and Magic Ring. These cards are for late game but I found they are necessary against harder quests like Ruins of Belegost,

  • Allies that leave play at the end of the round like Gandalf and Elrond or a discardable hero like Folco Boffin are very good in Fellowship decks because they let you optimize your Fellowship each turn.

How the deck works

Thi solo deck is built around the use of Helm of Secrecy, a card that I found intriguing since it's been spoiled.

The deck works a bit like Seastan's Pipe combo deck ( You try to get a sword-thain hero asap thanks to the Scroll of Isildur and Bartering combo. It makes 4 resources with Legacy of Númenor and make you draw 4 cards with Mithrandir's Advice.

Then you try to play all the doomed cards during a refresh phase and keep 4 resources to play Helm of Secrecy to reset threat with Aragorn. You can play twice Peace, and Thought in the same refesh phase by readying Saruman, or even thrice if Sword-thain is inplay.

In addition to Legacy of Númenor you make resources with Love of Tales by playing Drinking Song and with Resourceful that is free with the other copies of Bartering.

With all these resources you should be able to flip the contract turn 2 or 3.


Escape From Umbar 2W-1L

Desert Crossing 1-0

Race Across Harad 1-0

River Running 1-0

Danger in Dorwinion 1-0

Temple of Doom 1-0

Ruins of Belegost 1-1

Now I am happy with how the deck is working! I think it's quite fun to play, and it surprises me that a card like Helm of Secrecy that seemed not very consistent at first finally enables a powerful doomed deck!


Jul 19, 2020 tamhas 87

I've just tried playing with this, it's a fun deck, but I have a question. Can Aragorn reset your threat? Saruman's text says "When a player card effect would reduce your threat by any amount, reduce that amount to 1." and Loragorn's text says: "Refresh Action: Reduce your threat to your starting threat level. (Limit once per game.)" Since the word "reduce" is used in both, I would assume that Aragorn's ability does not work and you cannot reset your threat to your original starting value, you would only reduce your threat by 1.

Jul 19, 2020 tamhas 87

Ah I just realised that the name of your deck answers my question. You replace Saruman with Aragorn!

Jul 20, 2020 Marcelf 1375

@tamhassure that is how you get around saruman's drawback. Thanks for trying the deck :D

Jul 20, 2020 DEER PARK 225


Jul 20, 2020 Marcelf 1375

@brunoianiroFolco is great here because he has a low starting treat and you can discard him in late game to lower treat and make a better Fellowship.

Jul 20, 2020 Sfrug 399

How long does it usually take you to get the Sword-thain/ally combo set up? How long does it take you to flip the fellowship?

Jul 21, 2020 Marcelf 1375

@Sfrugusually turn 2 for the 4th hero and turn 3 to flip the contract. I mulligan for Mithrandir's Advice and/or Peace, and Thought.

Jul 21, 2020 Marcelf 1375

In my latest games I swaped Elrond and wingfoot for shadowfax and gandalf's staff.

Aug 26, 2020 Marcelf 1375

Finally I found Shadowfax and Gandalf's staff to be winmore cards here, so I swapped them for A Burning Brand (to defend with Aragorn) and Wilyador.