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Bear Trap | 7 | 4 | 0 | 1.0 |
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In Play
Discard Pile
GrandSpleen 1438
In that last hour Beorn himself had appeared – no one knew how or from where. He came alone, and in bear's shape; and he seemed to have grown almost to giant-size in his wrath." -- The Hobbit
This is the The Grey Wanderer version of my Bear Trap deck, part of my mission to create a version of that deck for each contract. Right away this puts me in an awkward position, creating a Grey Wanderer deck for Beorn, but here we go.
You are shut out from half of the contract’s action: you can get 1 boost from it per turn (the resources), but not a second: no healing or readying. Luckily, Beorn himself mitigates both of those issues: he has a massive hit point pool and provides action advantage already. He can’t take a 1-cost attachment himself, but that turns out to be not a big problem.
The sideboard contains all 1-cost attachments that could be used with this deck, since none can be attached to Beorn for the Grey Wanderer attachment. Because this is the BEAR TRAP deck, Entangling Nets is my favorite here (it’s in the deck proper rather than the sideboard), but there are a number of good ones that would attach to a location, enemy, or the quest card. Swap them out depending on the quest.
Bear Trap is a multiplayer combat specialist deck — willpower is not something it concerns itself with.
Part of the strategy of Bear Trap is to keep Beorn alive by putting other defensive options on the table, or through damage cancellation or redirection. However, Beorn getting defeated and then returning is also an expectation of the deck. Losing your only hero would mean game over, so this deck sports [Sword-thain](/card/10149, and a number of unique ally targets to place it on. Just don’t put it on Landroval.
The deck gains little from starting in Secrecy — only access to Timely Aid (which is not nothing), and freeing up card slots by removing any threat management cards used by the normal version of the deck, which starts with high threat.
By rights, the deck should be trash, but Beorn is such a strong hero that it can actually perform. I haven’t put it strongly to the test yet, but in a recent easy game, solo 2-handed, it ended the game with two Honour Guards, two Defenders of Rammas, a Sword-thained Pippin, Boromir, Legolas, and had gone through a few traps too. It did help that my companion deck, which was running The Burglar's Turn, had gotten Orcrist, Glamdring, and Mithril Shirt onto Pippin.
I’ll add more in the comments field if and when I have more to report from actual multiplayer games. Adding: -Defeated 2-handed Treachery of Rhudaur being the only deck dealing with combat.
Jun 18, 2020 |
Jun 18, 2020nice idea but not very effective (i think ;) ) outmatched does not ready beorn. swordthain can only be used on one ally (at the same time) it is unique. so get 2 res extra... why not taking merry/pippin and ioreth? still secrecy and same resources. (additionally resourceful can be played) o.k. timely aid cannot be played, so massive? more time/options, to get him back, if he dies. |
Jun 18, 2020Outmatched isn't for Beorn, and as with any 3x unique card (in this case Sword-thain), the purpose of having 3 copies is to ensure you draw it, not to play all 3. The reason I'm not using other heroes is well... just read the deck description, it's my personal mission! |
Jun 18, 2020My description above may have made it sounded like I had an ending game state with a Sword-thained Pippin, a Sword-thained Boromir, and a Sword-thained Legolas--- nope, sorry, that was just language ambiguity. Only Pippin was Sword-thained, the other two allies were just on the table. |
Jun 19, 2020o.k. that was misunderstunding. but i stand my point, that there are better beorn-fokussed decks. and if you try to get a swordthained hero asap i do not understand why not simly starting with more heroes (and as soon you have a a additional here its not the "lonely bear"-theme anymore), if your goal is,to get more heroes. but if its fun for u, gz ;) i have read your desciption, and everything except timely aid, can be better realized with beorn + 2 very cheap heroes. but its your game if u have fun this way. just want to clarify if i missed something special. seems i don´t. ;) |
Jun 19, 2020Well, the part you missed is that the entire point of this deck is to fulfill a personal task of creating a Beorn+traps deck for every contract. I appreciate trying to give some feedback, but your feedback is basically “how about not doing that,” which is a head-scratcher. |
Jun 19, 2020The reason I made the deck is because I want to create one version of an old deck called “Bear Trap” for every contract. It’s a personal task that keeps me engaged with the game and building decks. This mission requires me to build a Grey Wanderer Beorn deck with traps. Since your feedback is “don’t build. Grey Wanderer” deck, I’m under the impression that you missed that part in my deck description. |
Jun 19, 2020seems so. but if i understand your task now, you want beorn grey wanderer with traps, nevertheless if there are better options, right? why then not more traps? with followed this deck can take part in progress or with forest snare take out really heavy enemys. |
Jun 19, 2020Followed would function in the deck but not contribute to the goal of the deck (combat). Forest Snare would be great but it's expensive and takes your one out-of-sphere card for the round. I have Ambush in the deck but it's actually not the greatest card here, for those reasons (great mechanically, but it's Lore and it's not cheap). |
Jun 21, 2020Was there an errata saying that adding resources isn't affected by "immune to player card effects"? |
Jun 21, 2020It’s an old ruling. The resource pool is considered a separate entity to the hero itself, and would not be immune to player card effects. |
I never thought of the starting attachment being one to put on a location or enemy. Smart!